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Nomi Tang P-Wave Prostate Massager

Nomi Tang P-Wave Prostate Massager

Nomi Tang P-Wave Prostate Massager Sex Toy Reviewer, Model & Webcam Model UKDAZZZ
Buy A Nomi Tang P-Wave Prostate Massager

Nomi Tang P-Wave Prostate Massager

Hi guys and welcome back to another blog in today’s episode I’m going to be showing you the new Nomi Tang P-Wave massager which is a self-heating prostate massager so sit back relax hit that like And subscribe button and let’s get into the blog

Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always and as I said at the start of the Blog today I am going to be showing you the P-Wave from Nomi Tang it’s an affordable self-heating prostate massager that is controlled by remote control

Well enough waffling for me I’m going to go and slip this my bum and I’m going to let you watch the unboxing video so when you receive your p-wave toy there is no labels on the outside of the box that indicate where it comes from

What You Get When You Buy The Nomi Tang P-wave

So no worries there it’s extremely discreet one thing I would like to point out is their shipping was extremely fast a few toy companies that I have dealt with in the past do have issues with finding my location

Their courier company that they use sent it out really quickly and found it first time. In all I think I had my toy within four working days and one thing that did surprise me is that the level of detail with their packaging there is absolutely no chance of this toy getting busted or broken in transit.

As you can see it’s really well packed and there’s no chance of damage I do like the outside design on the box but it does come with the cellophane that I always have trouble opening so I am going to go and Skip forward through this part of the video with the cellophane off we’re going to take a look at the box.

P-Wave Toy
Buy Your P-Wave Today

As you can see that’s what the toy looks like and it comes with a remote control and I’m going to let you pull it now if you need to to read the back of the box and if we take a quick look at the side of the box it gives you the features that the toy has to offer

As you can see it’s made of body safe silicone and it’s got 10 inbuilt patterns with a self-heating function and a movable finger more about that later in the video what I’m going to do now is speed up this part of the video and show you what’s inside the Box

The actual inside box does look pretty cool but let’s see what’s inside with the lid off you can see we’ve got the p-wave on the left hand side and on the right we’ve got the remote control hidden

Underneath our toy padding there is a box that has our charging cable and our instruction manual so that’s what you get inside the Box let’s show you how to use it now when you receive your p-wave toy it is travel locked this means if you push any of the buttons either on the remote control or the toy it won’t start vibrating whilst it’s in transit

Why Is My Nomi Tang Toy Not Working.

To take the travel lock off all you need to do is hold down both buttons on the toy until it vibrates to start the fingering motion with the toy all you need to do is push the button at the top of the toy there are two settings for the finger in motion

How To Use The Nomi Tang P-Wave.

The first one when you push it is a slower setting and on the second push it will speed it up to turn on or off the vibrations on the toy you need to push the button underneath.

Nomi Tang P-Wave Prostate Massager Sex Toy Reviewer, Model & Webcam Model UKDAZZZ
Buy Your P-Wave Today

One push will make it vibrate and the more times you repeat pushing it it will cycle through the other vibration patterns to turn off the vibrations completely all you need to do is hold down the vibration button to stop the finger in motion all you need to do is hold down the button

Remember you can also do all this with the remote control the middle button controls the speed of the arm the bottom button controls the vibrations and the red button at the top turns the toy on or off

How To Turn On The Nomi Tang P-Wave Heating?

To turn on the heating feature all you need to do is tap on the button at the top twice the light will start flashing and it will start to warm up the tip of the toy the science behind the heating feature is that it increases blood flow to the prostate.

Whilst the toy is heating up you can still use the vibrating feature and the moving arm to charge your toy up you do need to plug it into the back of the toy the charging port can be a bit finicky to put in but once you’ve given it a good push it will go in.

How To Change A Nomi Tang Remote Battery

Now if your batteries do run out on the remote control all you need to do is slip off the silicone cover as you can see inside there’s a watch battery and all you do is once you’ve changed it is Slide the cover back on the remote control isn’t waterproof so try not to get it wet

Nomi Tang P-Wave Prostate Massager Sex Toy Reviewer, Model & Webcam Model UKDAZZZ
Buy Your Prostate Massager From Nomi Tang

If you have found this blog useful so far please do hit that like And subscribe button so there you have it that’s what you get when you buy the p-wave prostate massager from Nomi Tang.

So what did I think of the toy well it does vibrate fairly well the self-heating tip gets to about 42° and it is fairly comfortable to use and that fingery motion I could see being adopted by someone like Lovense they already have it with the Lovense Flexer so I’m guessing if they release a Lovense Edge 3 this is how it’s going to kind of look

Is The P-Wave Prostate Massager App Free?

There’s no apps with this toy this is all controlled by remote control

Now here comes the boring bit it is 100% silicone the height of it is 135 mm and the insertable part is 99 mm it weighs in at 149 Grams it has a 90 minute battery life and it takes about 3 hours to charge fully now it is only ipx6 water resistant which means it’s only sort of Splash proof and that’s because there’s no cover along the bottom where the actual plug charger is into.

How Many Patterns Are On The Nomi Tang P-Wave

Then there is also 10 inbuilt patterns that you can control either on the toy or via the remote if you want to pick yourself up a Nomi Tang P-wave there is a link in the description below It’s an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of the sale if you choose to buy something.

if you do have any questions feel free to drop them in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are also listed in the description below

Don’t forget to check out the other videos in my playlists and also don’t forget to check out my new Community page on my website which you can also find a link for in the menu.

That’s it for this blog thanks for watching if you have enjoyed it please do hit that like and subscribe button

Until next time guys

Peace out

Nomi Tang P-Wave Prostate Massager

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