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Bshetr - My Favourite Men's Underwear - Review - Bshetr Briefs for Under $5

Bshetr – My Favourite Men’s Underwear – Review – Bshetr Briefs for Under $5

Bshetr My Favourite Men's Underwear Review

Bshetr – My Favourite Men’s Underwear – Review – Bshetr Briefs for Under $5

Hi guys and welcome back to another blog in today’s episode I’m going to be talking to you about pants and I’m going to be giving you a quick review on the Bshetr brand. So make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and let’s get into the blog.

Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always.

As I said at the start of the blog I am going to give you a review of the Bshetr brand of Underpants for men. Now you might be thinking why didn’t I choose something like a brand like Calvin Klein or JockMail well if you check on the Bshetr website you’ll actually find out they are made by JockMail and not only that I like the colours and for under five pounds or five US Dollars they’re great value for money.

so the pack I bought came in five different colours and these five colours a navy blue, orange and blue, green and a light blue, blue with a light trim, and red and yellow. Now these are 95 percent cotton and five percent spandex which give you really good support.

With the waistband it’s extremely flexible and has got a lot of give now I’m a 32 inch waist and I went for the large because that’s the range they say to go for and they seem pretty accurate on their sizing now with that five percent spandex they do hug your bum and your junk just right.

To avoid getting a strike on My Website I’ve opted to not wear these in this blog but I do have a lot of pictures of them in my Onlyfans so if you want to have a look then check out the link in the description below now.

Bshetr - My Favourite Men's Underwear - Review - Bshetr Briefs for Under $5 Sex Toy Reviewer, Model & Webcam Model UKDAZZZ
5 Pack Bshetr Underwear

I do like the variety of colours that this pack came with for under a fiver you can’t go wrong they look great when you go out and I try to wear them as much as I can when I’m on dates now they do sell other colours and styles on their Amazon store but these ones seem to be the best value for money.

I have left an Amazon link to their store in my description below is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of Amazon’s profits if you choose to buy something these are a cheaper alternative to JockMail. So if you do like what you see then check out the link in the description below.

If you have got any questions come and hit me up in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are listed in the description below that’s it for this blog don’t forget it to hit that like And subscribe button.

Until next time.

Peace out.

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