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The Top 5 Common Scams When Being A Webcam Model Podcast
How To Be A Webcam Model Podcast
The Top 5 Common Scams When Being A Webcam Model

The Top 5 Common Scams When Being A Webcam Model

The Top 5 Common Scams When Being A Webcam Model

The Top 5 Common Scams When Being A Webcam Model

Hi guys, and welcome back to how to become a webcam model. And in today’s video, we’re going to be covering the top five scams that you will most likely find whilst being a webcam model. We’re also going to cover how to avoid getting scammed.

So I’m not saying everyone’s a scammer. Far from it, you’ll find most people on a day-to-day basis will not scam you. But they do crop up depending on what platform you are on, and depending on what you are selling, at the time, people will try and scam you occasionally.

A few of the ones we’re gonna go over today are more common than others. And not particularly very sophisticated in their style. But even still, they’re worth keeping an eye out for just to know what people are up to. And keep yourself safe. And just so you know, these are in no particular order, other than the last one, because it’s probably the most common you’ll find. So let’s dive into the first one.

Scam 1 whilst being a webcam model

So first up, is the fake admin, they do happen. I know a couple of sites like LiveJasmin has a little problem with this occasionally. What they basically do is these scammers come into your chat room pretending to be an admin. They will have a convincing founding name. But not they’re not admin. They will ask you to do things whilst you’re on cam. They have a whole box of tricks they will try and use to convince you they are real admin.

The best way to spot if someone is a real admin or not is most sites will change the colour of the name in the guests’ list. So when you look at the screen, it will be a different colour to the normal people logging into your room. If they are the same colour, chances are, they are not the admin. What you’ll find is a lot on a lot of sites is if an admin is looking at your page, they will either send you a message into your private messages or they’ll send an email.

It is very rare for them to log into your chat, I don’t think I’ve I don’t think once I’ve ever been on one of my usual sites and seen an admin come into my room. This is probably because they’ve got backdoor access, they don’t have to go into your room. They can see what’s on there without the need to log in. But I know some sites do have an admin that logs in and talks to you. So that’s how to avoid these scamming people. If they have not got a different colour name don’t trust them.

They are not admin.

Scam 2 whilst being a webcam model

So next up is the fake tip. Apparently, this is a thing I’ve never come across it on any sites that I use. But some have reported that people go around fake tipping.

So what these people will do is log into your room and send you a message that could resemble a tip. Then they will ask you to do something. This I could see a few people if they’ve never been on a cam site before could get caught out on.

A common way to spot this scam is if you’re on streaming and receive a tip, what will normally happen is the tip will show up in a different coloured box.

The tip will stand out and make a noise so you notice it and you can take that person. This is what the scammers don’t know.

On Streamate and Chaturbate when you are tipped it will bring up a big yellow box that can’t be replicated. I think others again have emojis that pop up on the screen. So they’re really obvious once you’ve got the tip it’s quite easy to spot so don’t get caught out by that one.

Scam 3 whilst being a webcam model

The next up is fake webcam sites. They are very, very common. You will stumble across them all day long looking for new sites to sign up to. What you will find is these are not the actual camming site. These are third-party sites that I have spoken about these in a previous blog post.

These sites will sign you up, pretend that they are going to advertise and promote you whilst teaching you all the ins and outs of what to do on the site. and the best insider tips. Actually, they won’t deliver anything. But what they will do is they will take a cut of the 30% you earn from the hosting site.

They’ll probably charge the cam site 2% as a signing bonus, but then they’ll also charge you 3% as a commission, or a fee to work for them. You don’t work for them, you work for the main site. So the way to avoid this is quite easy, go direct to reputable sites. Do not get scammed by third-party scammers it’s just not worth it, will lose out at the end of the day.

SkyPrivate call monitor

Scam 4 whilst being a webcam model

So next is the fake SkyPrivate show. This one happens all the time, it’s happened to me a few times where people have asked for a private show on skype. I’ve agreed to it, and then realized it’s a potential Scam. What these people do is log into something like SkyPrivate, or whatever platform you use on Skype. They will take your details, log back out and start messaging you. If you’re not eagle-eyed, you might find you get caught out on this one.

If it’s your first time on SkyPrivate you need to be logged in on the app that you download from the site. The app works as recognition software and finds if a person messaging you is a member or not. So when someone messages you, that program pops up in the bottom corner of your screen and tells you the stats. Things like how long this person has been a member when their last call, was how much they spent and their average rating. It tells you all this information that pops up on the side of your screen.

If you’re getting a message from someone this app always pops up. So if you’re not seeing it pop up it’s definitely someone trying their luck and hoping that you’re going to pick up that call. They are not going to get charged for it and more importantly you are not going to get paid for it. Make sure it’s popping up and you are logged in.

It has almost caught me out a few times where I have been tired and not paying attention. It got to the point in my routine when arranging the call where I check their stats and realized I hadn’t loaded the app on startup. It could have cost me big time.

Scam 5 The Most Common When Being A webcam Model

Last but no means least. And this is probably the most common scam I have come across.

Now maybe it’s me just being a bit of a cynic, but it’s the most common thing that comes up all the time. What is it you ask? It is the fake content buyers.

camgirl scam

These people will ask you to make a personalized video and they will just try not to pay for it. If you’re using a trusted site, like ManyVids, or any other webcam modeling sites, it’s an easy one to avoid. It’s when you go it alone as I do, I take requests from people on Twitter or on Instagram, places like that.

That’s where you are more than likely going to get caught out and you’re going to get caught out because you’ve not got the backing of the site behind you. You are working on pure faith that this person is going to pay for your content. What I do is I’m happy to agree to make any video. (pretty much, Yeah, pretty much). I’ll make this if they have paid or not as it could be something I could sell on to another client, advertise on another platform and sell it there. So I can still earn on that.

But the client who asked for it will never get that video before they send the money, I personally want to see that money in my bank, or one of my payment accounts before that video ever leaves my inbox. Because what you’ll do is you will send that video and that person could block you or delete you. Remember you are a business, you don’t go to the supermarket, take all your food home, and then go back and pay for it. That’s not how it works. You also don’t go clothes shopping, take everything out in the shop that you want then go back a week later and pay.

It just doesn’t happen.

So don’t get caught out by it. I had it a couple of days ago where someone who bought a video of me before, asked for me to send another personalized video. I agreed no problem I’ll make it I’ll do whatever with you, and make it exactly how you want it. When I asked how are they going to pay this time? He said he wanted to pay the next time he ordered. I’m not charity. I know people have a hard time at the moment everyone’s got their own circumstances. But we’re also trying to make a living as well. (I didn’t send)

Caution Cam Model Scams
The Top 5 Common Scams When Being A Webcam Model

So they can’t expect it for free. As I say this person had bought from me before. So in theory, I could have gone sent no problem. But how stupid would I felt if he blocked me afterward? I may never gonna see that person again. My content could have been gone forever.

It’s quite an easy one to get caught out by but even if it’s your trusted customer you’ve been selling to him for ages. Just don’t get scammed by them. Be upfront with them. Be honest. And say you are running a business. Don’t be horrible, because you could potentially lose them forever. But just explain it to them for the reason it is a business for you.

If they do respect you, they’ll understand that and they will pay you first they will say Okay and understand. if they are having money issues tell them you will make it and save it for them until they can pay. Any true loyal customer will be fine with that. Any that are not unless you 100% trust them, you know, question whether they’re going to scam you or not.

As I say this one’s happened to me a couple of times where people have just asked for stuff and they’ve not been willing to pay for it.

So get your money upfront first.

Wrapping up

That’s it for this blog. I just wanted to tell you what to look out for when these scammers come knocking at your door because they will be on every platform. Then they will hit you up on your social media asking for special content. So just be aware of them.

As always, like follow share, subscribe, hit that notifications icon to get notified on the next video which is coming very soon. If you’ve got any questions, hit me up in the comments on this blog, on my YouYube, or on my social media.

Until next time,

peace out.

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These are the 5 most common scams not to be get caught out on.

As you may know, I have a YouTube channel and web page with accompanying videos to all topics listed. I have also recently added a Podcast Page with all the audio from my videos.

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2 thoughts on “The Top 5 Common Scams When Being A Webcam Model”

  1. Pingback: How To Become A Webcam Model (3 Alternatives To OnlyFans)

  2. Pingback: 5 Ways To Earn More Money As A Webcam Model | UKDAZZZ

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