The FeelDainty Stroker From Kiiroo – Dainty Wilder

The FeelDainty Stroker From Kiiroo – Dainty Wilder
Twas the Night Before Christmas not a creature stirring not even a mouse except from a FedEx driver delivering me the new Kiiroo Dainty Wilder stroker so sit back relax hit that like And subscribe button and let’s get into the blog.
Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always now in today’s blog I will be telling you about the new Dainty Wilder stroker that I didn’t know I was going to receive now it genuinely was Christmas Eve when I received the dainty Wild a stroker by Kiiroo and I had no idea it was coming

As this is the first blog I’ve made for a Kiiroo stroker I’m going to give you a quick unboxing video I’m going to show you the Dainty Wilder Stroker and then I’m going to give you my review so enough waffling from me let’s get into the video okay so like every video
Unboxing The Kiiroo Feel Dainty Stroker
We’re going to start off by opening the box and seeing what we’ve got inside.
I genuinely didn’t know what Kiiroo had sent me there was no obvious indications of what was going to be on the inside of the box as as you can see the alter box is discreet it only had a shipping label on it there was no mention it was from Kiiroo as you can see inside is the new Dainty Wilder stroker which is compatible with the Kiiroo Keon and the Kiiroo PowerBlow I’ll tell you a little bit more about those later in the blog

On the front of the Box you’ve got a picture of Dainty herself on the right hand side of the Box you’ve got an image of the textures inside the sleeve on the left it’s got what toys it’s compatible with and on the back it’s got a statement from Kiiroo on what to expect from the dainty Wilder stroker which is is written in seven different languages English, French, Dutch, Spanish, Russian, Chinese, and Japanese.
What’s Inside The Kiiroo Feel Dainty Stroker
When you open the top of the box as you can see there is a piece of cardboard holding the stroker in place this stops it getting damaged during shipping to open the stroker casing you do not have to twist it as you can see I got this totally wrong all you need to do is give it a squeeze and a pull unfortunately I do have to censor some of the parts of the video because it is YouTube and they just love giving me Community strikes it is important to say that the sleeve is extremely soft.
How To Remove A Feel Stroker Sleeve
To remove it for cleaning after use all you need to do is pull it out as you can see these sleeves are extremely flexible once you’ve done cleaning the sleeve put it back in and just give it a good push there is a little Groove that runs around the outside of the sleeve that holds it in place next I’m going to show you how you would connect a Kiiroo power blow if you look at the top of the stroker where the cardboard support was there is a screw top cap.

If you take this cap off this is where you would screw on the Kiiroo PowerBlow once you finished using your Dainty Wilder stroker or always remember to put on the cap if you’ve enjoyed this video so far please do hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future videos and if you have been inspired to buy the Dainty Wilder stroker there is a link in the description below.
More Information About The Kiiroo Feel Dainty
So there you have it that’s what you can expect when you buy the new Dainty Wilder stroker from Kiiroo toys.
So Who Is Dainty Wilder
Now I’m not going to lie I didn’t know who Dainty Wilder was before I was sent the Stroker and I don’t expect her to know who I am either like myself she started as a webcam model she don’t extremely well and started her Instagram page and started selling her own merch and I believe she’s gotten Onlyfans.
How Big Is The Feel Dainty Stroker
So like every blog I always like to give the measurements of the Strokers and toys that I use and today’s blog is not going to be any different now this is the first stroker that I’ve had from Kiiroo toys and what I really like is the thickness of the base whatever the size of the Girth of your Willie you’ve got it’s going to fit inside this stroker.

It does get thinner at the top but there’s still plenty of room inside the sleeve measures 22 cm long and the measurement across is 8.5 cm now as I said in the unboxing blogs these sleeves are extremely flexible and really soft inside the sleeve the first quarter at the front has got ridges and bumps inside the middle part is suction cups and at the back there’s more ridges and bumps if I actually get close enough you might be able to see some of those inside.
If I turn it inside out you’ll be able to see more of them now when you do use Kiiroo Strokers you do want to be generous with the lube and that’s because from what I’ve noticed is that once you go inside the sleeve it creates like a vacuum because there’s like an airtight seal around the edge of the sleeve the stroker combined with the sleeve and the outer casing weighs in at 800 G the sleeve is made of TPE and the outer casing is made of plastic.
Kiiroo Power Blow
As I said earlier in the blog you can connect your Strokers to the Kiiroo PowerBlow which can be controlled via Bluetooth with the FeelConnect app or you can control it manually on the power blow

Kiiroo Keon
All Kiiroo Feel Strokers can also be used with the Kiiroo Keon all feel Strokers have a small Groove that runs all the way around the outside of the Stroker and that holds it in place into the Kiiroo Keon.
If you haven’t seen what that is it’s an automatic stroker the Kiiroo Keon can also be controlled with the Feel Connect app it has a 4-Hour charge time and it runs for about 30 minutes to about 2 and half hours depending on how much you use it and what intensity settings you’ve got set on it overall this was a really nice stroker to use it’s extremely soft as I said earlier on you do want to use quite a bit of Lube in this.

Once you’re inside it causes like a vacuum so the deeper you get in the more of a suction it causes and to get in there properly you do need a fair bit of lube if you have been inspired to buy the Dainty Wilder stroker then there is a Link in the description below to my website give this link a click and it will take you to my website where you’ll be able to find links for the Kiiroo homepage where you can buy your dainty Wilder stroker.
Where To Buy A Kiiroo Feel Dainty Stroker
These links are affiliate links they don’t cost you any more to use but they do give me a very small percentage of Kiiroo’s profits if you do choose to buy something if you do have any questions feel free to come and drop them in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are also listed in the description below.
If you have found this blog useful please do hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future blogs that’s it for this one.
Until next time guys
Peace out

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