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How To Clean Your CockBlock Toy And Solo Strokers And Fleshlights

How To Clean Your CockBlock Toy And Solo Strokers And Fleshlights

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  • How To Clean Your CockBlock Toy

    How To Clean Your CockBlock Toy And Solo Strokers And Fleshlights

    Hi guys and welcome back to another CockBlock blog in today’s episode I’m going to be showing you how to clean your CockBlock. so sit back relax hit that like And subscribe button and let’s get into the Post.

    Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always as I said at the start of the Tutorial I will be showing you how to clean your cockblock now if you don’t know what a CockBlock is then check out the video in the top left hand side of the screen now actually don’t do that wait until the end of the video and it’ll be the next one up but in brief the CockBlock is a frotting toy that you can use with a partner basically

    How To Clean The CockBlock

    Like a flashlight for two but as I said wait until the end of the video and you can watch the next one out so enough waffling from me let’s get into the video okay guys to clean your CockBlock the first thing you need to do is take out the inner sleeve like I have you can also see that I’m using my trusted bottle brush these are perfect for getting into corners of any toy and sleeve.

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    I would highly recommend you getting one as they do work extremely well they’re extremely cheap and you can pick them up from pretty much anywhere I will leave a link in the description below you can also buy toy cleaning kits this normally includes a toy safe soap and regenerative powder once you have finished cleaning the outer sleeve of your CockBlock make sure to wash off any excess soap put that to one side and we’re now going to move on to the inner sleeve like before.

    How To Clean TPE Cockblock

    You can use your toy soap and I’m going to go back in with my trusted bottle brush and as you can see I can really get in deep with this try not to push too hard or stretch too much because it is made of TPE and can tear if for any reason you do find yourself needing a new inner sleeve then you can get them off the CockBlock website as always I will leave a link for that in the description below as you can see the bottle brush is making light work of getting into either hole on the top of the CockBlock like before.

    Make sure to rinse off any excess soap once you’ve finished cleaning the outer casing and the inner sleeve layer of the towel and place both on it and leave them to air dry once they have completely air dried this is when you want to apply your regenerative powder remember you can use this same cleaning method on solo Strokers and flashlights so there you have it that’s how easy it is to clean your CockBlock.

    Stroker Cleaning

    How To Buy A CockBlock

    If you do want to get your hands on a CockBlock there is a link in the description below is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of CockBlocks profits if you choose to buy that’s it for this video I hope you enjoyed it make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and if you’ve got any questions come and hit me up in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are listed in the description below.

    Until next time guys

    Peace Out

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    As you may know, I have a YouTube channel and web page with accompanying videos to all topics listed. I have also recently added a Podcast Page with all the audio from my videos. Listen to the Podcast episode Here.

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