Lovense Webcam 2 Review And Ultimate Guide

Lovense Webcam 2 Review And Ultimate Guide

Hi guys, and welcome back to another Lovense how to become a webcam model blog. It’s new release day, and I’m going to be showing you the new Lovense Webcam 2. As you can probably tell, there is loads to get through in today’s blog, so I’m going to shut up and let’s get into the blog.
Hi guys, I’m UKDAZZZ as always, and as I said at the start of the blog I am going to be showing you in today’s episode the new Lovense webcam 2. If you didn’t know, Lovense are an integral part of webcam modelling. the Lovense toy brand is used by loads of webcam models throughout the world.

What’s Coming Up In To Todays Lovense Webcam 2 Blog
So what’s coming up in today’s blog? Well I’m going to give you an unboxing, like I do in all my blogs. I’m also going to show you what comes with the Lovense Webcam 2 when you buy it and how to set it up. After that, I’m going to show you how to connect it to a webcam site. Then I’m going to show you how to use it on OBS.
After that I’m going to show you how to use it within Stream Master. Then finally, at the end I’m going to give you a little bit more information about the cam, I’m going to give you a bit of a comparison between other brands. And I’m also going to be giving you a review at the end.
So as you can tell, there is absolutely loads to cover in today’s blog. I’m going to shut up and let’s get into the video.
Unboxing The Lovense Webcam 2
Okay guys as I always do I start the blog off by showing you the outside packaging. There is no mention of Lovense on here, there is a shipping label with my information on and that’s it. So discreet packaging as always, as I would expect from Lovense.
Is Lovense Packaging Discreet?
So let’s open it up and see what’s inside. In here is our webcam and as you can see it comes in another plain, generic box. So if the alter bag does get torn it doesn’t show you what’s inside. There is a barcode, as you can see but there is no mention of what’s inside. Top marks again for Lovense on their discreetness. But we’re not here to look at plain boxes and bags.
Let’s open it up and show you the Lovense webcam 2. By just looking at the box, you’ll know noticed some major changes compared to the old version of the Lovense webcam to the new one. We’ll go into these in more detail later in the blog, but we’ll take a quick look at the outside box. As you can see, it’s fairly plain. It tells you on the back what’s inside and on the top, it tells you some of the features. Again, we’ll cover all of this later in the blog.
What Comes With The Lovense Webcam 2?
The first thing I’ve got to do is take off the cellophane on the outside of the box. Once we have got all that cellophane off, all we need to do is Slide the lid out of the box. The first two things that you’ll see when we take the lid off is the webcam and its base. There’s no technique in removing this.
All we need to do is lift out the webcam. The webcam Mount has some packaging that runs around the outside, and all you need to do to remove it is just pop it out. This can be opened up and hooked onto the top of a monitor, or it can be connected to a tripod this is a 1/4 inch thread that will fit on most tripods.

The little panel here also tilts, so you can get the perfect angle. Underneath where the mount was, is the rest of the items that come with the Lovense webcam 2. The first thing you’ll find in this little box here is our user manual, and you’ll find our recognition markers. There are four of those, and you’ll find those in this little packet here. There’s not much to show you in the user manual, it’s pretty basic it’s fairly self-explanatory on what you need to do. On the little box these items come in, is this QR code.
Finally, in the bottom of the box is our USB-C cable and its adapter. Both ends of the cable are USB-C one end of the cable can be plugged into the adapter, which will then fit any USB-A a port. This just plugs in, and you’re ready to go.
The other end of the cable plugs directly into the back of the webcam. On the top of the camera is our noise cancelling AI microphone. If we spin the camera around we’ve got a shutter that closes the camera. when we slide it down it closes the lens, If we slide it up it opens it again. This creates another layer of protection for when we’re not webcamming.
The webcam Mount opens up and can be fitted on top of a monitor. You can adjust the plate at the top by pushing it up from the bottom, and this gives you a bit more of a tilt. As I said earlier it comes with 1/4 inch screw thread that fits on most tripods. Now the mount is magnetic, so all you need to do to attach your webcam is stick it on. Once it is attached it’s easy to adjust the tilt of the webcam.
If you have found this blog useful so far, please do hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future blogs. If you have been inspired to buy yourself a Lovense Webcam 2, there is a link in the description below or Buy Yous Here.

How To Add Your Lovense Webcam 2 to a cam site
So there you have it, that’s what you get when you buy the Lovense webcam 2. The next thing I’m going to show you is how to connect it to a cam site without using OBS or the Lovense OBS toolset. The simplest way of adding your camera and your microphone to a webcam site is by adding it directly onto the page. All cam sites are very similar on how to add a new webcam or add a microphone. Somewhere on the page or in the settings, you’ll be given the option to add either the microphone or the camera. In Chaturbate, it’s just before you start your stream in the broadcaster dashboard.
All we need to do here is Select our drop-down menu on the left hand side under where it says camera. All you need to select is the Lovense webcam 2. If you’re using Lovense OBS or just OBS on its own, you can select either one of those if your cameras is connected to those. Next you’ll need to select the frame resolution. To connect the Lovense mic, all you need to do is click on the microphone drop down menu and select it from there. Nice and easy right?
How To Connect The Lovense Webcam 2 On OBS
So next, I’m going to show you how to add it to OBS without the Lovense toolset. It is important to note that if you’re not using the Lovense OBS toolset, you do limit yourself on some of the features that you can use.
Okay to add the Lovense webcam 2 to your OBS the first thing you need to do is create a scene. You do that by clicking on the plus button underneath the scenes widget you’ll then be asked to name that scene. This can be anything you like it’s for your reference only, so I’m going to call mine Lovense.
Once you’ve named yours click on the okay button. Your new scene will be added to the list all you need to do now is add your webcam and your microphone. To do that, we need to click on the plus button at the bottom of the sources widget. This will bring up this menu, and we’re going to select audio input. We then need to name our mic. I’m going to call mine Lovense Mic.
Once you finish, click on the okay button and it will bring up a popup window. Next to where it says device, click on the drop down menu and select your Lovense microphone. Click on the okay button and it’ll now be your primary audio input. Now we’re going to add the Lovense camera. To do that again we’re going to have to click on the plus button underneath sources. This will bring up a menu, and from here, we need to say select “video capture device”.
Once selected, we’ll need to name it again. I’m going to call this “Lovense Cam” and I’m going to click on the okay button. This will bring up a menu that will let us select our webcam. I have two webcams plugged in here, so I’m going to swap this one out. So next to where it says “device,” I’m going to click on the dropdown menu, and in here I’m going to select our “Lovense Webcam 2”. Click on the okay button, and it will be added to your OBS.
How To Connect The Lovense Webcam 2 To OBS With Lovense Toolset
The next way I’m going to show you how to set up the Lovense webcam 2 is by using OBS with the Lovense toolset installed. It’s important to note that you will need to download and install Stream Master onto your PC or Mac.
Okay so what we need to do first is click on the drop-down menu next to where it says “preview in” and we’re going to have to select where it says “external OBS Studio Splitcam” and “Streamaster“. Next to that you’ll notice a connect button. Give this a click, and it will bring up a popup window.
We’re going to be using OBS, which is already selected you can also select Splitcam or Stream master. Under where it says OBS, you can see it says it’s connecting, and underneath that there is a yellow message. This message basically reminds us that we need OBS installed and we need the Lovense OBS studio toolset. I have OBS, but I don’t have the toolset so if I click on the install guide button, I’ll be given the option to be able to download OBS and the toolset.
The first option, if you don’t have OBS is you can download it from here and the tool set is below. So I’m going to click on the download and install button for the toolset. This will automatically start downloading to our PC. Once it has finished downloading, you’re going to need to install it. Click on the install button, and if you’ve got OBS open it will want to close it. So I’m going to click okay, and I’m going to close OBS and pick the blog up once it’s been installed.
This did only take about a minute to install, but when I open my OBS, you can see that I’ve had extra things added. The Lovense OBS toolset has added the tip menu on the left hand side, it’s also added the webcam controllers to the right hand side. It should also now pick up your Lovense webcam 2 automatically. The only thing we have to add manually our self is our microphone. Select the plus button underneath sources, and it will bring up a menu. Select audio input, and it will bring up another page.
In here, you want to select the drop-down menu and click on Lovense Mic. The reason why you can’t see my camera is because I’ve had to add another element. This element lets me screen record from OBS. If I move my display capture underneath the video capture device, my webcam should load.
Now all you need to do is head back over to Stream Master. Once there, all you need to do is click on the connect button again, and it will say it’s connected. Now all you need to do is click on the done button, and you’re ready to start streaming. Stick around to the end of the video to see how to control the Lovense webcam 2 within OBS and on your mobile phone.

How To Connect The Lovense Webcam 2 To Stream Master Built In OBS
Next thing I’m going to show you is how to set up your Lovense webcam 2 on Stream Master using the built-in OBS. I’m also going to show you how to use all the controls within the Lovense toolset. To install Stream Master onto your PC or Mac, you first need to go to the Lovense website. Along the top of the screen, you’ll see in the menu is “camming”. Click on this and click on “downloads”. You’ll then be taken to this page here where you can either choose to download Stream Master for Windows or for Mac. I’m using Windows, so that’s what I’m going to select. This will automatically download onto your PC.
All you need to do now is launch it from your downloads folder. This will then start installing Stream Master onto your PC, this can take a couple of minutes. Once it has finished downloading, it will automatically launch on your PC. What we need to do next is click on the “get started” button. From here, you’ll have to log into your Lovense account. If you haven’t got one, of those there’s a blog in the Lovense Category that shows you how to create one Here.
I’ll put a time stamp here so you can go and watch it, and jump back to this part of the blog.
With our Account Details entered, click on the “login” button. You’ll be then taken to the Stream Master dashboard. When you log into Stream Master, you will need to set up the camsites that you want to stream on to. If you don’t know how to do that there is a blog in the In the How To Be A Cam Model category Here. This will give you a step-by-step guide on how to set up Stream Master.
Once you get to this point, here you can jump back to this blogged and continue watching on how to set up your Lovense webcam 2. Once you’ve added the cam sites that you want to stream on to within Stream Master, you’re ready to set up your OBS. This can either be done within Stream Master in its own inbuilt version of OBS, or if you want to you can install OBS onto your PC. I will show you both ways on how to add your camera within this blog.
The first way is using the inbuilt version of OBS on Stream Master. The first thing we need to do is click on this drop down menu here and what we’re going to select is “built-in OBS”. This popup message will appear and click on confirm. You’ll then need to click on the “open built-in OBS” button this will launch OBS for Stream Master.
What we need to do now is select the “Live” button underneath “scenes”. This should now automatically detect your webcam. Mine has been detected but it is the wrong one I do have two webcams that I’ve got plugged in. If you have the same issue or your camera doesn’t get detected, don’t worry I’ll show you how to fix that.
Now underneath “sources” we’ve got our video capture device, this is our webcam. All we need to do is click on the gear icon located underneath the “sources”. In the settings page that pops up, we’re going to have to go up to “device”. Click on the dropdown menu, and select Lovense webcam 2.
Click on “okay” and it’ll be made your primary webcam. If for some reason, you delete or you don’t see the video capture device you can add a new one. To do that, click on the plus button located at the bottom of the “sources” tab. This will bring up a menu, and in this menu you need to select on “video capture device”. You’ll then be asked to name it, you don’t have to do that.
Next click on “okay” and you’ll be able to select your webcam like before. Click on the drop down menu and select “Lovense webcam 2“. Click on “okay” and you’ll be taken back to the built-in OBS dashboard. You’ll notice on the right hand side, we’ve got our Lovense webcam 2 settings.
In the view tab, we can select our frame and we can also zoom in and out. In the “advanced tab” in the middle we can turn on or off our gestures. We can also choose how much of our body is tracked within the frame. The third and final tab is “effects” in this tab, we can adjust our white balance and our colouring.
Now we know what everything does, how do we put this into practice? I’m not going to change any of the colouring, but what I am going to do is go back into the “advance tab” and I’m going to select “head” under AI zoom. as you could see, the camera did zoom in on my face.
Now, what I’m going to do is click on the “View” tab in the right hand side of the screen. The dark grey box is everything the camera can see, everything in the smaller grey box that we’re hovering over is our display output. This is what’s being sent out to our Live stream. Currently, the AI can track me anywhere within that dark grey rectangle.
I’m not doing anything to move the camera it’s automatically tracking my face. If I move closer or further away, it will zoom in and out to make sure that I’m in frame. If I want to stop it from following me, all I need to do is hold up my hand. You’ll see a green border around the light grey box, and this locks the tracking. I can now move outside the frame without the camera following me.
To turn it back on, all I need to do is hold up my hand again. The tracking will unlock. and I can now move around again and the camera will follow me. If I want to zoom in or out, all I need to do is make an L shape with my hand. If I hold this L shape and move my hand down, it will zoom out and if I move it up it will zoom in. This is really simple and really straightforward to use.
How To Control The Lovense Webcam 2 Using Mobile Phone
There is one other way we can control our camera, and that’s with our mobile phone.
We don’t need to download any extra apps for this.
All we need to do is click on “remote adjust”. This will bring up a window with a QR code. On it all we need to do now is open the camera on our phone and take a picture of the QR code. This brings up a clickable link, so we’re going to tap on that and we’re going to be diverted to a Lovense website. From here, you’ll be given it a dashboard that you can use to control your Lovense webcam 2. In the top right hand side, there is a gear icon.
If we give this a click we can adjust any tips and their duration. When we click on “save” it automatically updates on our OBS. Underneath the settings, is our auto-framing this allows us to be tracked within the screen. Whilst this is switched on, we’re also able to do gestured movements. You can also use the slide bar at the bottom of the screen to be able to zoom in and and zoom out. If you click on the internal window, you can manually frame yourself.
Underneath that, you can also save and add pre-set positions. Any adjustments that I make on my mobile phone will be implemented by the camera. This is perfect for when you’re in live shows, as you can get into a position and not have to get back up. Any zoom in or adjustments that you need to make can be done from where you’re sat. Once the camera has been set up, we’re ready to add our mic.
So again we need to click on the plus button and this time we’re going going to select “audio input”. We’re going to name this as well and I’m going to call it “Lovense Mic”. Once we’ve named it we’re going to click on the “okay” button. This will bring up this menu, all we need to do is click on the drop down and select “Lovense Mic”. Once we click the “okay” button it’s now our primary audio input. You’ll also see it located in the audio mixer.
Lovense Webcam 2 Features
so there you have it guys, That’s how easy is to install and use the Lovense webcam 2 on OBS and pretty much webcam site. The next thing I’m going to do is tell you a little bit more about the Lovense webcam 2. You can live stream and record in 4k, it has Auto tracking, AI assisted Focus, auto-Framing, and gestured movement control. Basically what that means is that I can use my hand to control the webcam. It also has an AI built-in microphone this provides better noise cancellation.
What’s In The Lovense 4K Box?
So to sum up, what you get when you buy the Lovense webcam 2, is you get the webcam itself self and you get its Mount. You also get your USB-C cable, and an adapter and you get four of these little L-shapes. Which I’ll tell you a little bit more about in a minute. You also get your Lovense user manual. It has a width of 63 mm, it’s 30 mm height, and it has a depth of 26 mm. It all of that weighs in at 46 1/2 grams. It has a 4X zoom.
What Are The Recognition Markers?
Now something I forgot to tell you when I was making the unboxing blog is what these little L-shapes are for. You get four of these and you place them around you on a wall or on a background. The webcam sees these and it knows not to go outside of those boundaries, so it’s putting a border in around what your webcam can see.
So that’s all the boring information out the way it’s review time.
Why I Choose To Do This Review
When Lovense contacted me and asked me to review this, I was super excited. I wasn’t going to tell them, but I’ve been looking for a new camera for absolutely ages. For the last four years making these videos, all I’ve been using is my mobile phone. When I do webcamming I’ve been using the Logitech 920. Which on its own is extremely old and it’s well out of date.
Is The Lovense Webcam 2 Easy To Use?
One thing I was super happy about is that it is plug and play. This means all I had to do was just literally plug in the webcam, and it was pretty much ready. As you could, see it was extremely easy to set up. All the webcam model stuff and it’s easy to set up within OBS. You can keep it as a pretty much standard standalone webcam. I think this works out at about $189. I think compared to other webcams that are on the market, I think this is extremely good value for money. I can’t see any other webcam that has an AI camera and an AI built in Mic.
What I Decided To Do For This Review
Now when I make my videos, I always try and make them a little bit different and have something cool to show you, like setting it up within the app. I like to show you how to use all the technical elements. I try not to just go there’s a toy I do like to show you how to set them up. So I thought I would do the same in today’s blog. So I asked myself how could I make this blog different, and what I decided to do was record the whole YouTube video using the Lovense webcam 2.

If you don’t believe me, I’ve also recorded it exactly how I do on my mobile phone. If you don’t believe me this is a comparison and this is the difference between the two. So as you can see there is a massive Improvement, and I’m guessing the mic that built in the Lovense webcam 2 is doing an extremely good job. And if you still don’t believe I’m using it could I do things like this. It’s pretty cool right.
I can sit here now move around the screen and the camera is automatically tracking me. So as I move in, it will zoom in. If I move out and I move in and it just keeps. Following me around the screen I can also do hand gestures that will lock the camera from focusing and moving. Around the screen and I can also so zoom in and zoom out.
So yeah, I think this is a really cool feature. As I say it can track me around so I can move anywhere here totally handsfree. The camera is moving and it’s following me within a set screen, So wherever I go the camera is following me.
The Lovense Ai Mic Review
So like the webcam, I’m also using the Lovense webcam mic that’s built in. I actually haven’t heard the quality of it yet, I’m hoping it’s better than what I’m normally using. Which is this little rubbish microphone on my my chest.
Lovense Ai Mic Comparison
But what does the AI mic actually do? Well, if I’m sitting here and an obnoxious sound comes along and goes (Whistles…..). it cancels it out. and I can carry on talking and (Whistles…..). it doesn’t even and it’s gone again that sound just gets deleted by the AI.
But what does the AI mic actually do well if I’m sitting here and an obnoxious sound comes along and goes (Whistles…..). it cancels it out and I can carry on talking and (Whistles…..). it doesn’t even and it’s gone again that sound just gets deleted by the AI.
Summing Up The Review
So you might be asking yourself, what are some of the changes that Lovense have made to the Lovense webcam 2? I will leave a comparison on my website between the last version and the current version of the Lovense webcam. There are a few changes, and I will leave a full comparison at the bottom of the page.
What The Light Colour Indicates on The Lovense Webcam 2
You’ll also find a table that lists out all the indicators that are on the webcam, too so if you see a different colour on your webcam, you will be able to go to my website and see what it means.
Lovense Webcam 2 ![]() |
Streaming | Solid Green |
Gesture Recognized | Flashing Green |
Privacy | Solid Yellow |
Off | No Colour |
Reset | Flashing Blue |
U-Disk Mode | Solid Blue |
Update | Flashing Blue |
Software Error | Flashing Red |
Hardware Malfunctions | Solid Red |
How To Add A Custom Bio To Chaturbate
It's well worth looking at my website if you're a webcam model. There's lots of features on there like if you're a Chaturbate cam model you can build a custom bio. All you need to do is enter in the information that it asks you, and it will generate you a code that you copy and paste into your Chaturbate bio. Make Your Chaturbate bio Here.
Webcam Model Earnings Calculator
I've also added a calculator that works out how much much you've earned with your tokens. This calculator isn't just for Chaturbate Cam models, it's for all the ones that use tokens and credits. Check Your Earnings Here.
How To Add A Floating Side Bar To Chaturbate
I've also added a page to create a floating sidebar that goes into your Chaturbate bio. And if you watch cam models, there is also a page to work out how much you've spent. So yeah, I'm extremely impressed with the Lovense webcam 2. I didn't know what to expect as I said earlier on, but this is good. If you are looking to upgrade your Webcam and you want something a little bit different and you can't afford a microphone, a camera, and so on I would definitely go with this. Make a Floating Side Bar Here.
I'm definitely going to be using this webcam to record all my videos.
Post Video Edit Review
Okay, this is a post edit adding to the video, and the reason why I've done that is because I've edited the whole video and I've got some comments. Now I did notice that some of the clips have been pixelated, and the reason for that is because I'm using an over 10year old laptop it has a 2 MB RAM which shouldn't even work the camera. So if you've got a better up to-date PC, it's going to work seamlessly and you won't have none of that pixelated. But overall, I was really impressed with the quality, and I was also extremely impressed with the quality of the sound.
Where To Buy The Lovense Webcam 2?
If you have been inspired to buy yourself a Lovense webcam 2, there is a link in the description below. It is an affiliate link it, doesn't cost you any more to use, but it does give me a very small percentage of Lovense's profit should you buy something.
If you have got any questions, feel free to drop them in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media. All those links are also listed in the description below. That's it for this blog guys. Thanks for watching. Don't forget to hit that like, And subscribe button, and notification Bell for future blogs.
Until next time,
Peace out.
Lovense Webcam 2![]() |
Lovense Webcam ![]() |
Logitech Brio ![]() |
Camera Quality | 4K | 4K | 4K |
Auto Focus | Yes | Yes | Paid Feature |
Ai Mic Built In | Yes | No | No |
Price | $189 On Sale | Not Available | $199 |
Buy Webcam 2 | No Longer Available | Buy Logitech Brio |

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