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The Svakom Sam Neo 2 Pro Review

The Svakom Sam Neo 2 Pro Review

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    The Svakom Sam Neo 2 Pro Review

    Hi guys and welcome back to another new toy blog in today’s episode I’m going to be showing you the Sam Neo 2 Pro from Svakom not only is this a new toy brand it’s a new toy for me so I’ve got loads to show you in today’s blog so enough waffling from me let’s get into it.

    Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always and as I said at the start of the video I will be showing you the Sam Neo 2 Pro from Svakom now as I said this is a new toy for me and it’s a new brand on my channel so there is going to be coming up in the next few weeks lots of blogs on how to use the app and how the toys work and you’re not going to want to miss these blogs because this is a really good quality toys.

    It also has long-distance features like other toy brands and it can work with interactive content and that’s most of the toys on their website not just this one Svakom also has a large range of women’s toys and men’s toys.

    The Svakom Sam Neo 2 Pro YouTube, The Svakom Sam Neo 2 Pro Review,

    So What’s Coming Up Into This Svakom Blog

    So what’s coming up in today’s blog well I’m going to give you an unboxing like I do in all my blogs I’m also going to be showing you what you get inside when you buy the Sam Neo 2 Pro and I’m going to show you how to use it.

    If that wasn’t enough I’m also going to show you how to connect it to the app and how to use it within the app as I said earlier this is just the basics of how to use it within the app and a much longer blog will be available in the next couple of weeks I’m then going to give you a little bit more information about the toy a bit of a comparison between the other versions and I’m going to give you a review at the end so buckle up it’s going to be a long video so like always I’m going to shut up and let you get into the unboxing blog.

    Unboxing The Svakom Sam Neo 2 Pro Stroker

    Okay guys let’s start off by showing you the outside of the box I do this in all my blogs to show you how discreet the packaging is and you may think this is a bit pointless and wastes a bit of time in the blog but sometimes toy brands do put their name on the outside of the box although there are no direct shipping labels with the name of the brand on the Box on this one there is some tape and if I spin the Box around you’ll see that on the back of the box

    Now personally I don’t mind this being on there I know what’s inside and I don’t care whether the delivery driver knows what’s inside the Box chances are I’m never going to see this guy again I actually think it looks quite cool but some people do need to have discreet delivery and this is why I show the outside of the box anyway let’s open it up and show you what’s inside Svakom have sent me two toys one is the Jordan which which is a frosting butt plug and the other is the Sam Neo 2 Pro and this is what we’re going to be taking a closer look at in today’s blog.

    To see the review of the Jordan you’re going to have to hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for its release.

    So let’s move the Jordan out the way and let’s get into the unboxing of the Sam Neo 2 Pro like all toy brands this is covered in cellophane and it takes me ages to open it luckily I brought my Stanley knife to make that a little bit quicker.

    On the side and on the back of the toy it gives you a little bit more information about how the toy works it also gives you a full breakdown of the speck of the toy which we’ll cover later in the blog so let’s speed this part of the blog up and show you what’s inside the box and what comes with the Sam Neo 2 Pro there is an outer sleeve of the box so all you need to do is slide it out from the bottom and the Box inside the lid just slides off.

    What Comes With The Sam Neo 2 Pro

    Inside you’re going to find a really well packaged toy and compared to the size of the Box the Sam Neo 2 Pro is a lot smaller than I was expecting so as you can see underneath the toy there is a little box where the hole is so to start things off we’re going to slide this out and have a look inside there are two things inside one is a user manual and the other is a charging cable this is a USB-C charging cable so you can use others if this one ever gets damaged.

    Inside the user manual obviously tells you a little bit more about the toy and how to use it but hopefully after watching this blog you won’t need to look at that so let’s get the Sam Neo 2 Pro out of the box and take a closer look at it as I said earlier in the blog this is a lot smaller than I was expecting if we take the lid off the business end of the sleeve you’ll notice that our heater is inside this heater warms your sleeve up to 38°C.

    If you want to remove the sleeve for cleaning all you need to do is slide it out of the tube when you’re done cleaning it and drying it all you need to do is line up the groove on the sleeve with the vibrator inside the tube and push it back in in there’s a ridge that runs around the top of the sleeve that indicates how far you should insert the sleeve.

    How To Use The Sam Neo 2 Pro Sleeve Warmer

    The next thing we’re going to take a quick look at is the sleeve warmer this doesn’t use any of the battery life of the stroker itself it has its own charging port and it has its own battery inside.

    It takes 2 minutes and 15 seconds to warm up the sleeve and the heater will turn itself off after it’s done to turn this on all you need to do is hold down the button at the bottom of the lid for 2 seconds the light will turn on and all you need to do is put the lid back on the tube if at any time you want to manually turn off the sleeve warmer all you need to do is hold down the button on the base the light on the base will Flash and it will turn itself off.

    How To Use The Sam Neo 2 Pro Vibrating Stroker

    What we’re going to do now is move on to the other end of the Stroker and it’s this end that controls the suction and the vibrations to turn it on push the button in the middle of the toy and you’ll notice that the lights turn on to control the vibrations push the button on the right hand side of the “S” this will then start making your toy vibrate there are five inbuilt vibration sequences and you can cycle through those by pushing on the vibration button to turn off the vibrations at anytime just hold down the vibration button.

    If you want to use just a suction feature all you need to do is push on the “O” on the left hand side there are also five suction sequences and you can skip through those by repeatedly pushing the “O” button if you want to use a combination of the vibration and the suction feature together all you need to do is push on the “S” when you turn the toy on again.

    There are five different sequences and you can push either the “O” button or the vibration button to change them up and if you repeatedly push on the “S” button it will cycle through its set sequences what I’ll try and do now is show you the inside of the sleeve while it’s switched on on its sucking function as you can see inside the sleeve there are loads of little lumps and bumps running through the inside stick around to the end of the blog to see my review.

    If you have found this blog useful please do hit that like And subscribe button notification Bell for future blogs.

    If you have been inspired to buy yourself the Sam Neo 2 Pro then there is a link in the description below whatever you do decide to buy on their website.

    SAM NEO 2 PRO Svakom

    Svakom Promo Code

    Make sure to use promo code UKDAZZZ

    How To Connect The Sam Neo 2 Pro Stroker To The Svakom App

    So the next thing I’m going to be showing you is how to connect it to the Svakom app and how to use it within the app to control your Sam Neo 2 Pro from the app all you need to do is download the Svakom app make sure your Bluetooth is switched on and also make sure your toy is switched on when you’ve done all of that all you need to do is open the app.

    When it loads you’ll be asked to confirm the location of your device all you need to do here is Click confirm the app then will automatically start searching for your toy.

    How To Control The Same Neo 2 Pro In The Svakom App

    Once it’s found it it will bring up this window here if it doesn’t bring you to this window click on the play now button just make sure that your toy is connected all we need to do now is click on the play button there are only two options we’re going to concentrate on in today’s blog for a more in-depth blog make sure to hit that like And subscribe button or check out my playlist.

    For now we’re going to click on touch mode this will bring up this popup window and just tap the screen again and it’ll be removed now all you need to do is move your finger up and down on the page at the top you can see the timeline of what you’re creating and the more up and down motions you can see determine the intensity of the vibrations and the suction move it towards the top and it’s more intense lower it and the intensity lowers.

    You’ll notice in the bottom left hand corner of the screen is a boost mode this turns on all intensity levels on to the maximum if you touch the screen and start making your own patterns it will turn off the boost mode in the bottom middle of the screen is a stop start button whenever you push the start button it starts recording the patterns that you’re making when you click on the stop button it will ask you to name your pattern and it will save it.

    How To Find Custom Modes With In The Svakom App

    You can find your save patterns if you click on the custom modes button in the bottom right hand side of the screen here you’ll be able to find a list of all your save patterns if you click on the example button in the top right hand side of the screen it will switch tabs and show you examples of what’s already been made you can click on the play button and it will bring up a replay of what was created this will also make your toy react whilst it’s connected.

    How To Play Pre-Set Patterns In The Svakom App

    If we quickly go back to the main menu we can take a look at the other option we have for controlling our toy this time we’re going to click on the pre-set mode button in the top right hand side of our screen this brings up the five pre-set sucking and vibration patterns that are saved on your toy you can select one of these and all you need to do is push the play button this is just a suction mode on its own and if you want to add vibrations scroll down and select your vibration pattern you can use both modes individually or both together.

    Within the modes you can also increase or decrease their intensity levels all you need to do is Slide the bars left or right on the screen if you have found this blog use so far please do hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future blogs on the Svakom App.

    If you have been inspired to buy yourself a Sam Neo 2 Pro then there is a link in the description below whatever you do decide to buy on their website.

    Svakom Discount Code

    Make sure to use promo code: UKDAZZZ

    Sam Neo 2 Pro Specifications

    So there you have it guys that’s what you get when you buy the Sam Neo Pro 2 and how to use it within the app and as a standalone toy so here comes the boring part of the video that tells you a little bit more information about the toy.

    It measures 228 mm from top to bottom and it’s got a diameter of 75 mm the sleeve length measures 140 mm and it’s got a diameter of 45 mm it can take up to 2 hours to charge the Stroker and about an hour and a half to charge the heating Rod the stroker itself has an hour’s worth of continuous use battery life the heating Rod has a 40-minute continuous use battery life that means you should be able to warm your sleeve up 18 times before it needs another charge there is two other versions of the Sam Neo you have the original Sam Neo the pro and the Pro 2.

    Comparing The Sam Neo Range

    Now the main difference between the Pro 2 which is this one is that it comes with the heating Rod the Pro doesn’t actually come with one but when you upgrade it does make a big difference from the Sam Neo to the Sam Neo Pro now the original Sam Neo vibrates at 6,000 times per minute and it also takes 3 hours to charge.

    When you buy one of the pro range you get 8,300 vibrations per minute and that charge time goes down to 2 hours plus the suction on the pro range is a lot stronger I do have a full comparison on my website so make sure to check out the link in the description below one thing I do like about the Sam Neo range is all three toys are compatible with long distance features so all three can be controlled by another partner and all three of their toys can be used with interactive content.

    Side By Side Sam Neo Range Comparison

    Sam Neo  Svakom Sam Neo Image Sam Neo Pro Svakom Sam Neo Pro Image Sam Neo 2 Pro Svakom Sam Neo 2 Pro Image
    Vibrates Yes Yes Yes
    Suction Yes Yes Yes
    Heating No No Yes
    Weight 700g 711g 743g
    Vibrations Up To 6000/Min Up To 8300/Min Up To 8300/Min
    Charging Time 180 Min 120 Min 120 Min
    Use Time 60 Min 60 Min 60 Min
    App Compatible Yes Yes Yes

    Svakom Sam Neo 2 Pro Review

    Okay that's enough of the boring information let's get into the review now when I got the Sam Neo 2 Pro I didn't know what to expect I was kind of thinking it was going to be a little bit bigger than this and I thought it was going to be an ugly toy but I am really pleasantly surprised it's a good weight it's also a nice size for my hand and it does feel like a really well made toy.

    I didn't use the sleeve warmer I used it straight out of the box but I do think it's a really cool feature I like to have a warm sleeve when I use it and I do have other sleeve warmers so I can use this with those as well the fact that this is a battery version of the sleeve warmer is so much easier you can move it and charge it wherever you want.

    Now when it comes to the suction of this toy is extremely strong I mean this was sucking me fully in deep it's not the fastest suction I've ever used I'm not going to lie but it is probably one of the hardest sucking ones I've used and the vibrations always add a little bit something extra.

    Now it does only come with the one sleeve that I can see online so unfortunately you can't swap them in and out with other toys I suppose you could if you found one the same size but you are limited in variety of what comes with it overall I would say this is probably one of my new favourite Strokers it just feels really good and comfortable to hold.

    Where To Buy The Svakom Sam Neo 2 Pro

    If you have been inspired to buy yourself a Sam Neo 2 Pro there is a link in the description below is an affiliate link it doesn't cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of their profit should you buy something.

    If you have got any questions feel free to drop them in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are also listed in the description below that's it for this blog guys thanks for watching don't forget to hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future blog.

    Until next time.

    Peace out.

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    The Svakom Sam Neo 2 Pro Review

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