The Oh! From The Handy Review

The Oh! From The Handy Review
hi guys and welcome back to another Handy blog in today’s episode I’m going to be showing you the new Oh! there is absolutely loads to show you in today’s blog so I’m going to shut up and let’s get into it.

Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always and as I said at the start of the blog I will be showing you the new Oh! from The Handy if you haven’t seen The Oh! before it’s Handy’s newest toy and more importantly it’s their first women’s toy.
Now previously The Handy have only had the one toy on the market and this was the Male Handy stroker arguably one of the best hands-free Strokers on the market after having that success they finally released their first women’s toy and ladies you’re definitely going to want to take a look at this cuz it has some really cool features like being a mini speaker so what’s coming up.
In today’s blog well firstly I’m going to give you an unboxing like I do in all my blogs I’ll be showing you what you get when you buy The Oh! and I’ll be showing you how to use it then I’m going to show you how to use in audio mode and how to connect it to the Handy Onboarding App then finally I’ll give you a little bit more information about the toy and I’ll try and give it a review from a guy perspective.
So as I say there is absolutely loads to get through I’m going to shut up and let you get into the unboxing blog.

Unboxing The Oh!
Okay guys let’s start off by showing you the outside of the box I do like showing this because people do ask is it discreet packaging there was a shipping label but there was no mention of The Oh! on it and as you can see there is no mention on the box either so let’s open it up and show you what’s inside there are a few other products in here but I am only going to be showing you The Oh! to see what else came with it make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell.
What Is Comes With The Oh!
If you haven’t seen The Handy Oh! before this is their first women’s toy it can be paired with the men’s toy but we’re going to cover that later in the blog so let’s open it up and show you what’s inside once you get the cellophane off and slide it out of the box you can see on the back of the toy it’s got some instructions on how to use it so let’s now open up the box and show you what’s inside when you open it up.
The first thing you’ll see is a small box that has a storage bag inside and behind the storage bag is an instruction manual this is almost the same information as we saw on the back of the box and whilst I’m here I’m going to give you a quick look at the storage bag I do like it when toy brands give you those as well moving on we’re going to see what else we get with a Handy Oh!
The next thing you can see is obviously The Handy Oh! itself we’ll move that to one side for a second as we’re going to see what else is inside underneath the toy is our charging cable this is a USBC charging cable which is good because if it ever gets damaged you don’t have to buy a specific replacement.
The one that comes with the toy is USBC to USBC so potentially you will need an adapter to be able to charge the toy or you can use a normal USBC charging cable one that charges your phone will work fine other than that there’s nothing left inside the box.

How To Use The Oh! For Solo Play (No App)
Now what we’re going to do is take a closer look at the Oh! so let’s move everything out the way and show you how it works the power button is located in the bottom left of the toy and to turn your toy on you need to hold it down you’ll know that the Oh!’s switched on because it’s got a green light in the middle of the toy.
There are four vibration levels and to change these all you need to do is push on the plus and minus button at the top and bottom of the toy when you’ve reached the limit of the highest or the lowest you’ll see a red light when you push the button there’s also a left and a right arrow button these change the frequencies of the toy.
There are six in all and to cycle for them all you need to do is push the button left or right you can increase the intensity of each frequency by pushing the plus and minus button the only button left to show you is the Action Link button this is located in the bottom right of the Oh! after you’ve connected your Oh! to The Handy Onboarding app you will use the action button to swap between online and offline mode.
If you want to charge the Oh! you will need to remove the cap at the bottom of the toy this does just slide off and once it’s fully charged put the cap back on if you have found this video useful so far please do hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future videos and if you have been inspired to buy yourself The Oh! there is a link in the description below or in my profile.
The next thing I’m going to show you is the audio mode feature so in this part of the blog I’m going to be showing you how to use the audio mode without opening the onboarding app.
How To Use The Oh! Audio Mode (No App)
The first thing you’re going to need to do is hold down the plus button you’ll notice that the light will turn on and it’ll be a Bluey green now what we’re going to need to do is pair our toy with our phone obviously this bit is going to be slightly different on everyone else’s phone.

How To Pair The Oh! To Audio
So I’m going to slide down on the menu and I’m going to hold the Bluetooth icon this will bring up a list of everything that’s been connected to your phone and it’ll also do a search for other things you can connect as you can see at the bottom under available devices is the handy Oh!
Give this a click and it will pair your phone to the toy you may then be asked to confirm that want to pair the toy click okay and complete the pairing you’ll then notice it moves up to the top of the list and says that it’s connected you’ll also notice that the light on the toy is now blue.
How To Play Music On The Oh! From Handy
Now what I need to do is go to where my music saved as you can see I have got lots of songs here so all you need to do is select one and start it playing what you’ll notice is the song will start to play through The Oh! all the base and Trouble In Your Song will make your toy react and vibrate.
Now one of the really cool features is you can control the volume level and which track is playing through the Oh! to do that all you need to do is push the up and down button to control the volume and to be able to skip back and forwards on the tracks you just push the left and right button you’ll see on my phone screen at the top that I’ve just turned the volume up and if I push the down button it will also go down.
Unfortunately I can’t let you listen to the music because I’ll end up getting a copyright strike you can also use this feature within the app I’ll show you how to do that later in the blog you don’t have to to use this feature just with music that’s saved on your phone you can use this with YouTube music Spotify and other streaming services.

Moving on the next thing I’m going to show you is how to connect your Oh! to the Handy Onboarding App.
Connecting The Oh! To The Handy Onboarding App
Okay guys the first thing you need to do is make sure your Bluetooth is switched on you’ve downloaded the handy onboarding app and your Oh! is switched on once you’ve done all that you’re ready to open the app once it has opened you’ll be asked to give Bluetooth permission to the app click on the give permission button and it will start to search for your Oh! this only takes normally a couple of seconds to find the toy.
Once you can see that The Oh! has been found click on connect again this does only take a couple of seconds to connect to your toy once your toy has been successfully paired it will say it’s connected and complete you’ll then be taken to the onboarding dashboard the first thing you’ll see is a number of popups these tell you what everything means on screen you can skip through these or close them out completely
Don’t worry I will be covering what it said in this blog
In the top right hand side of your screen you can see Bluetooth Wi-Fi handy services and Battery this obviously gives you more information about the toy itself and how and what it’s connected to we can see under Bluetooth it says connected and that’s how we’re connected to the toy you can also see that we’re not connected to Wi-Fi and we’re not connected to the Handy Services.
Don’t worry I will show you how to do that later in the blog
Using The Onboarding App To Control The Oh!
If you want to be able to control your Oh! from the app all you need to do is click on the remote control button at at the bottom of the screen this will bring up a popup window with two slide bars a start button and a stop button
Click on the start button and your toy will start reacting by moving the slide bars left and right on the screen it’ll either increase or decrease the intensity and vibration level when you finish using The Oh! click on the stop button and close out the window.

The Oh! Audio Mode In Onboarding App
Above the remote control button is the audio mode button
This will put your Oh! into audio mode if you want to see how this works then check out the time stamps in the description below the next thing I’m going to show you is how to connect your Oh! via Wi-Fi to do this I’m going to click on the change Wi-Fi button this will bring up a list of all the Wi-Fi routers that the apps found select your Wi-Fi router and enter in your password
Once you’ve done that click on the connect button once your Oh! has been connected you’ll then be able to update the firmware we’ll do this by clicking on the update available button click on start and it will take about 5 minutes to update the firmware you’ll only need to do this when they’ve added new features or they found a bug once the update is complete click on the X and close out the window
How To Generator a New Connection Key In The Onboarding App
Your toy will then reconnect to the app in the middle of the screen is your connection key this is used for other people to control your toy or connecting to third parties ideally you don’t want to share this with anyone you don’t know but if someone does get hold of it like you can see mine I can just generate a new one all you need to do is click on the button next to it on the left hand side you’ll be given a new connection key and the previous one will be redundant if you click on the go online button you’ll be taken to the handy feelings website.
Once here you can connect to other people’s toys or you can have others connect to yours you can also control it yourself and get access to other handy features there will be more blogs coming up in the future on the handy stroker the Oh! and the apps and websites that work with them
So make sure to hit that subscribe button and notification Bell for when they’re released and if you could share this video it would be much appreciated if you have been inspired to buy yourself an Oh! there is a link in the description below or on my profile

More About the Oh!
So there you have it guys that’s what you get when you buy The Oh! from handy so moving on now to some of the boring information it measures 115 mm from top to bottom and it’s 35 mm thick it weighs in at 110 grams it comes with The Oh! a USB charging cable a bag and the manuals it can take up to 90 minutes to charge the toy and its continuous use life is up to 120 Minutes.
Now I couldn’t find an IPX rating on the website but it does say it’s Splash resistant and this means that the top half is fully waterproof and the bottom half you’re going to want to watch because it is obviously an open charging port okay so I think that’s the boring information out of the way let’s get on to the review
The Oh! Review
Now I do like this I thought this was a really cool toy.
Can guys use it not really it obviously all depends on what sort of stimulation the guy likes I don’t know maybe we could use it on our perineum’s or we could use it on our Frenulum’s.
I will be making a blog on how to connect The Oh! to the handy stroker I was going to cover it in this blog it’s long enough as it is so I’m going to make another blog on that so make sure to hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for when it’s released.
The reason why I do like this so much is it’s like a Bluetooth speaker it does actually play the music through the toy and the base and the treble is what makes the toy react so to try and best explain it to you it’s like being in a car with a large subwoofer and all those large heavy based Rumblings is like what this toy feels like and if you don’t like those rumbly sort of vibrations you can also turn it onto more of a buzz.
How Load Is The Oh!
Now when it comes to how loud the toy is it’s extremely quiet as a standalone toy it’s almost silent I’ll give you a quick clip on how loud it is on Standalone mode okay for those of you who can’t see this the toy is only sitting about 3 in away from the microphone I’m going to skip through each intensity level.

Unfortunately I can’t play a clip with music playing for it because obviously YouTube will give me a copyright strike I will however try and make it available on my website personally ladies I think you’re really going to like this toy I see lots of you asking in groups is there any really rumbly toys or is there really any fast Buzzy toys this does both so yeah definitely.
Go and have a look at Their website listen to it and see what you think.

Where To Get The Oh!
If you have been inspired to buy yourself The Oh! from Handy there is a link in the description below is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of Handy’s profit should you buy something.
If you have got any questions feel free to drop them in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are also listed in the description below.
That’s it for this blog guys thanks for watching don’t forget to hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future blogs.
Until next time.
Peace out.
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