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The Kiiroo Feel Pocket Crystal Stroker Review Podcast
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The Kiiroo Feel Pocket Stroker Crystal Review

Kiiroo Feel Pocket Stroker Crystal

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  • Kiiroo Feel Pocket Stroker Crystal

    hi guys and welcome back to another Kiiroo blog in today’s episode I’m going to be showing you everything you need to know about the new Kiiroo Feel Pocket Stroke Crystal so don’t forget to hit that like And subscribe button and let’s get into the blog.

    Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always and as I said at the start of the video I will be showing you the new Feel Pocket Stroker Crystal if you haven’t seen the feel pocket range before they are a non-gendered stroker so what’s going to be coming up in today’s like all my other blogs I am going to be giving you an unboxing.

    I’m also going to be giving you a little bit more information about the stroker itself and I’m going to be giving you a review at the end so I’m going to shut up and I’m going to let you get into the unboxing part of the blog.

    Kiiroo Feel Pocket Stroker Boxed Unopened

    Unboxing The Kiiroo Crystal

    okay guys like other videos I do like to show the outside of the box to show that it is discreet there was one shipping label but that was it there was no mention of Kiiroo on the outside now let’s take a look at what Kiiroo have sent me the first thing you’ll notice is the Kiiroo control this is a new attachment from Kiiroo and I’m going to show that in an upcoming blog

    We’ve also got the new clear pocket Stroker and that’s what we’re going to be taking a look at in today’s video the Kiiroo Control is compatible with all Kiiroo Strokers remember to hit that subscribe button and notification Bell for that blog as the Kiiroo control has some cool features

    First Look At The Kiiroo Feel Pocket Crystal

    So let’s put that to one side and let’s get opening the pocket stroker this is kiiroo’s second release in their new pocket stroker range and I’m guessing there’ be more in the future remember all Kiiroo pocket Strokers are compatible with the Kiiroo PowerBlow and the Kiiroo Control when you open a new Kiiroo stroker there is a protector that goes around the top of the toy this protects it while shipping to remove it all you need to do is take off the lid and remove the cardboard.

    Kiiroo Feel Pocket Stroker Crystal And Box Next To Each Other

    This is also where you would attach the power blow or the Kiiroo Control once finished screw the lid back on moving on to the business end of the stroker to remove the cap give it a squeeze and a pull the first thing you’ll notice is the sleeve is super clear normally when you buy stroker sleeves they are covered in a powder and you normally find that on coloured sleeves you will notice as there is no powder on the sleeve it is slightly sticky to the touch but if it did have the powder on it you wouldn’t have something so Crystal Clear.

    The Feel Pocket Crystal Sleeve

    Next we’re going to be taking a closer look at the sleeve to remove it from the case all you need to do is pull it out there’s a ridge that runs around the outside of it that holds it in place and once it is out the case you’ll see how super clear it really is you can see every lump bump and ridge that runs through it and if we turn it inside out you’ll see how flexible it is and you can feel the lumps and bumps.

    Kiiroo Sleeve Full Length
    Kiiroo Sleeve Front Facing

    Obviously you would need to take it out of the casing to clean it wash it with soap and water and leave it to air dry and once it is dry slide it back into the outer case remembering to push it in as far as the ridge that runs around the top once it is in you may need to go to the other end open it up and just adjust the sleeve inside if you do powder your sleeve up after you used it it will slide into the tube easier but again then you will lose that super clear look

    If we take a look at the opening now we can see that it’s in a cross shape this provides more stimulation from the moment you use it once your stroke is clean and dry pop the cap on and it’s ready to go for next time if you have found this blog useful so far please do hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future videos and if you have been inspired to buy yourself a Kiiroo clear stroker then there is a link in the description below

    More About The Kiiroo Crystal Feel Pocket Stroker

    So there you have it guys that’s what you get when you buy the Feel Pocket Stroker Crystal next I’m going to be telling you a little bit more about the sleeve itself it measures 164 mm from top to bottom and the diameter is 84 mm the internal sleeve measures 150 mm and the overall weight is 444 G.

    The Feel pocket stroker is also compatible with the Kiiroo control and the Kiiroo PowerBlow and if you use it with the Kiiroo PowerBlow you do get a little bit more suction I don’t know how it actually does that but I’m guessing because smaller there’s less air to move it’s also very important to note that it’s not compatible with the Kiiroo Keon.

    Kiiroo Feel Pocket Stroker

    Kiiroo Crystal Review

    so it’s review time and I’m going to tell you what I thought of the toy overall I really like the look of the toy it’s super clear it looks cool but with that clearness it comes with a couple of drawbacks it doesn’t affect the toy whatsoever but it does feel a little bit sticky when you touch it and if you want to keep it looking like that it is a bit of effort because it is so sticky it makes it a bit of a magnet for dust and fluff and stuff like that.

    That’s when I did dry it and clean it I decided to put some cornflour on it and this does greatly affect the overall appearance of the sleeve itself but that is just me being a little bit finicky one thing I do like about the Feel Pocket range is that the lumps and bumps inside are really good if you are longer than the actual sleeve itself just take the end off and use it open-ended.

    Where to Buy A Kiiroo Feel Pocket Crystal

    If you have been inspired to buy the Kiiroo Feel pocket stroker then there is a link in the description below it is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of Kiiroo’s profit should you buy something.

    If you have got any questions feel free to drop them in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are also listed in the description below.

    That’s it for this blog guys thanks for watching don’t forget to hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future blogs.

    until next time.

    peace out.

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    Buy Your Kiiroo Feel Crystal Here

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