Spotiflyer Alternative To Download From Spotify For Lovense Remote App

Spotiflyer Alternative To Download From Spotify For Lovense Remote App
hi guys and welcome back to another Lovense episode. In today’s Post I’m going to be showing you how you can download from Spotify as Spotiflyer has gone down and can’t be used at the moment I’ve found the next best alternative so don’t forget to hit that like And subscribe button and let’s get into the Post
hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always so as I said at the start of the blog Spotify has gone down at the moment so I’m going to show you the next best alternative that I found to download your music from Spotify so let’s get into it okay guys to start things off I am in the Lovense remote app and I’m going to click on music just to show you this method works I’m going to scroll down to the bottom of the screen and show you my playlist.

Spotiflyer Alternative
As you can see the last song is following after now I’m going to go into Google and type in Spotify down and we need to select spotifydown.com once the page loads you’ll see there’s a search bar and a download button in this search bar this is where you paste your Spotify link so what I’m going to do now is take you over to Spotify and I’m going to find a song at random.
I will find a song that’s got an image that will stand out from the rest of the playlist and I’ll go with some Manic Street Preachers so I’m going to select the album and I’m going to click on the three dots just in the middle of the page in this menu I’m going to click on share and I’m going to click on copy link now it’s time to go back over to the spotifydown.com website and in the search bar
We’re going to paste in our Spotify link once you’ve done that click on the download button and the site will list all the songs under that link and if I scroll down you’ll see all the songs listed I’m going to choose the first one so all I need to do is click on the download button you’ll then see a progress bar where it’s fetching the song’s information and it converts the song to MP3 once all that’s done you’ll be asked to download the MP3.

So I am going to click on the download MP3 button and once it’s finished downloading as you can see at the top of the screen it says file downloaded all that’s left for me to do now is go back over to the Lovense remote app and click on music again and as you’ll see when I scroll down to the bottom of the playlist Manic Street Preachers has been added.
If I click on the player at the bottom of the screen and you’ll be able to see that it is actually playing if you have found this video useful so far please do hit that like And subscribe button so there you have it that’s how easy it is to use spotifydown.com
Where To Buy A Lovense Toy
If you have been inspired to buy a Lovense toy then there is a link in the description below is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of Lovenses profits if you choose to buy something
That’s it for this Post if you have enjoyed it then please do hit that like And subscribe button and if you’ve got any questions please come and hit me up in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are listed in the description below.
until next time guys
peace out

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