Kiiroo Control Interactive Controller Review

Kiiroo Control Interactive Controller Review
Hi guys and welcome back to another Kiiroo blog in today’s episode I’m going to be showing you the Kiiroo Control there is absolutely loads coming up in today’s blog so I’m going to shut up and let’s get into it.
Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always and as I said at the start of the blog I will be showing you the Kiiroo Control if you haven’t seen the Kiiroo Control yet this is an attachment that goes onto your Kiiroo Strokers and it controls other toys and another very cool feature it has it controls media.
What’s Coming Up In Todays Blog
So what’s coming up in today’s blog well I’m going to be giving you an unboxing like I do in all my blogs I’m also going to be showing you how to use the Kiiroo Control and I’m going to be showing you how to connect it to the Kiiroo Connect App if that wasn’t enough I’m also going to show you how to control another toy and I’m going to give you a little bit more information about it and give you a review at the end so there really is Lots coming up in today’s blog I’m going to shut up and I’m going to let you watch the unboxing blog.

Unboxing The Kiiroo Control
Okay guys as always I like to show the outside of the box so you can see that the packaging is discreet there was a shipping label but there was no mention of Kiiroo on it so let’s now open it up and show you what I’ve got the first thing you’ll see is the Kiiroo control the other toy in the box is the Kiiroo Clear Pocket Stroker.
I’m not going to be reviewing it in this blog I am going to leave that to another one which should be linked in the top right hand side of your screen the Kiiroo Control fits on their pocket range of toys and it also fits on their Feel Star Range.
So I’m going to put the pocket stroker to one side and we’re going to take a closer look at the Kiiroo Control once I’ve got the wrapping off I’ll show you what’s inside as soon as you open up the box you’ll see the instruction menu the instruction menu actually only gives you the basics of how the toy works but there is so much more this attachment can do and I’m going to try and cover some of that in this blog.

First Look At The Kiiroo Control
So let’s put this to one side for a second and let’s show you the attachment so let’s slide it out the box and show you what it’s all about one thing I would like to say is that it’s extremely well packaged and there’s no movement inside there’s no chance of it rattling around inside the box and getting damaged.
If we turn the Kiiroo Control upside down our charging cable is located inside and once I stop being an idiot and actually get the packaging off I’m going to show the attachment in more detail as I say very little chance of it getting damaged and yes I’ve sped this part of the video up okay we’re finally in so let’s take a closer look as you can see there is a large sticker on the top of the attachment.
There’s not much to show you if we flip it upside down as there’s nothing inside I’m not going to lie I was expecting a little bit more when I Writing this blog I had absolutely no idea what the control did and to be fair we don’t know its full limitations and the reason for that is because the Kiiroo Controls coding is open source this means that third-party platforms can now integrate Kiiroo toys with their platforms development.
To charge your Kiiroo Control there is a to charging port at the back back of the toy and the port is covered by a rubber plug.

How To Use The Kiiroo Control
Next I’m going to be showing you how to use the Kiiroo Control to turn it on underneath the sticker is a blue button push and hold it down and it will start flashing this is putting your Kiiroo Control into connect mode.
When connected to the Feel Connect app the light will remain blue and will stop flashing if you push the button again on the top it will start flashing green this puts it into video control mode think of this mode as a remote control for your videos you’ll be able to skip and Rewind videos from the toy with the blue buttons on the side by pushing the blue button on the top again it will put it back into connect mode
If you want to turn your control off all you need to do is hold down the blue button the lights will flash white and it will be switched off to attach your Kiiroo Control to your Kiiroo Feel Pocket stroker or your fill star stroker all you need to do is unscrew the cap at the top of your stroker remove it and screw on your Kiiroo Control the next thing I’m going to do is show you how to pair your Kiiroo Control with the Connect app.
How To use The Kiiroo Control With Another Toy
I’m also going to be showing you how to control someone else’s toy to control another toy with the Kiiroo Connect you first have to connect it to the Feel Connect app you will have to make sure that you’ve got your Bluetooth switched on and you’ve got the Feel Connect app installed onto your phone.
Once all that’s done you’re going to have to open the app in the top middle of the screen there is a plus button that says connect new toy you’re going to need to give this a push the app will start searching for your toy so we’re going to turn it on so it can find it once it has been found it would be displayed on screen and all we need to do is click on connect when the app has been fully paired with the field control the blue flashing light will remain static and it will stop flashing you’ll also see a green tick within the app you’re.
Now able to push the test your device button do this and the lights on the control will change colour when they have finished push the continue button you’ll now see that the Kiiroo Control has been added to your toys if you haven’t already connected the toy that you want to control you repeat this process as I’ve already connected my Kiiroo Keon in the past I’m going to be using this so all I need to do is switch it on and wait for it to connect.
Controlling The Kiiroo Keon
Once it has been connected click on the control button in the bottom middle of the screen this will bring up a list of options that we can choose from and the one we want to select is device to device this brings up two boxes that says add device in the main device box we’re going to click on the plus button and we’re going to select our control click on the got it button and in the box underneath called control device we’re going to click on the plus button again and select our Keon and that’s essentially it.
If we want to add more toys we can just click on the add button again and select whatever toy we want to connect to all that’s really left to do now is start using it and if we pick up our Stroker and we start to shake it our Kiiroo Keon starts to react you can also control the speed by how fast you shake it.
As I say this does work with other Kiiroo toys and each will react in their own way if you have found this blog useful so far please do hit that like and sub subscribe button and notification Bell for future videos and if you have been inspired to buy yourself a Kiiroo Control there is a link in the description below.
More About The Kiiroo Control
There you have it guys that’s what you get when you buy the Kiiroo Connect and that’s how to use it some of the boring information is that it is 49 mm high and 69 mm wide it weighs in at 124 G and it comes with the Kiiroo Control the USB charging cable and it comes with its manuals I think that’s all boring information out the way let’s get into the review
Kiiroo Control Review
Now when I first got this I was slightly underwhelmed because I didn’t know what it was I was expecting an attachment that kind of done something like the power blow where it done something I was a bit selfish and I thought what about me as I say this is before I knew what it could do so kind of yes it does only control other people’s toys but it also does make it more affordable to do so if you have any of the Feel Star Strokers and the pocket range it fits to all of them so one of the cool features is you can control your media with it
Picture the scene you’re in your pit and you’re using your stroker you’re watching some videos and you want to rewind a bit of the video that you’ve just watched or you want to skip to the next bit where you can simply do that with this attachment all you need to do is push the two buttons either side and it will skip forward and Rewind so you don’t have to get up you don’t have to look for a remote control or your mouse it’s already on top of your stroker
See a list of all Kiiroo compatible Video tube sites Here.

Possibilities Of The Kiiroo Control
Another cool feature is Kiiroo have provided an SDK which lets third-party companies can start making apps with this in mind which doesn’t mean much for the likes of me and you but for the tech-minded people they can now create games with this as a control and though it’s not just limited to Games videos and audio could be used with this
Now I did try and use this and I got stuck down a rabbit hole for two three days I’m not the most tech-savvy person but for those who are can make some really cool apps with this and for those who have created an App or a program with the Kiiroo Control in mind and they want it featured on my channel let me know I got to sort of 70% of a working game with this as a control and I think with a couple of extra days I could actually get it to work.
So keep your eyes peeled you may see something from me as I say guys the possibilities could be Limitless with this and as I said earlier in the video it’s not just for controlling the Kiiroo Keon last I checked you can control nearly all of Kiiroo toys.
Where To Buy A Kiiroo Control
If you have been inspired to buy yourself a Kiiroo Control then there is a link in the description below it is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of kiiroo’s profit should you buy something if you have got any questions feel free to drop them in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are also listed in the description below.
That’s it for this video guys thanks for watching don’t forget to to hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future blogs.
Until next time
Peace out

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