Inside A Premium SexLikeReal VR video Account

Inside A Premium SexLikeReal VR video Account
Hi guys and welcome back to another blog. In today’s episode I’m going to be telling you about Sex Like Real. If you haven’t heard of them before I guarantee you by the end of this Blog. You want to be signing up so don’t forget to be hitting that like And subscribe button and let’s get into the blog.
Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always and as I said at the start of the blog I am going to be telling you about Sex Like Real. I’m also going to be showing you inside a premium account. So you might be wondering who they are.

What Is SLR (Sex Like Real)?
Well since the birth of virtual reality headsets men and women around the world have been waiting for virtual reality adult content. This is the platform where you need to go. Now there is literally thousands of videos that you can watch in VR. The great thing is they are compatible with your interactive toys.
Blurring that line between video and real life. I took notice when they became compatible with Lovense toys.
Is Lovense Compatible With SexLikeReal?
That’s right they are compatible with six of the Lovense toys that includes the Hush 2, Max 2 Nora, Calor, gush, and the Edge 2 I think. Either way there are six toys that they’re compatible with Lovense and I’m going to show you how to connect to those in another blog. But for today it is fully about what you get inside a premium account.

Is Kiiroo Compatible With SexLikeReal?
Yes Kiiroo Toys are Compatible with SLR and a blog will be added soon or has been added to my blogs . To see a full range of Kiiroo toys check out the Link here
Is The Handy Compatible With SexLikeReal?
Yes The Handy is Compatible with SLR and a blog will be added soon or has been added to my blogs . To see a full range of Kiiroo toys check out the Link here
Now although can’t show you any of the videos on the platform. I can show you the categories page that lists all the videos. No matter what you’re into there is a video for it so enough from me let’s get into the blog.
Okay guys so the first thing I’ve done is logged into my premium account. Now the first thing I’d like to say is that if you are using a VR headset. Then make sure it’s compatible with the platform.
SLR Compatible Virtual Reality Headsets
There is a list of what is and isn’t compatible with the platform on their website. So check it out they’re recommended for your headsets are the Oculus Quest 3, valve index, HB Reverb G2, and there’s a whole load more. You can check as I say on the website. I will also leave Amazon links below of their recommended headsets.

If you haven’t got a VR headset don’t worry you can still watch the videos on your PC or mobile phone. As I said earlier on in the blog you can connect your Lovense toys to the platform. But there are other brands that connect to the platform these include The Handy, KIIROO and Vorze.

Again make sure to check on the platform to see whether your toy is compatible.
Now if we look down the left hand side of our page we can sort the videos by resolution. If you only want to watch videos in 8k or 6K. All you need to do is turn the toggles on and whilst you’re at it you can make sure they all interact with your toys. If we scroll further down the page we can see a short list of the top categories.
How Many Videos Are On Sex Like Real?
If we want to see a full list of all the categories all we need to do is click on the button that says categories on the top left hand side or you can click on the all button in the short categories list. In all there are 24 000 videos you can watch and as I scroll down the page you can see there is something for everyone.
If somehow you do get around to watching all those videos there is also the option to watch VR cam models. You can find those in the top left hand side of your menu. It’s very much laid out the same as YouTube. Each video has a like button a description and it’s got comments box below in the top search bar you can even see which videos trending.
Now I would love to have shown you what the videos look like but obviously I don’t want to risk my YouTube channel and website. So make sure to check out the link in the description below. So there you have it you can see there is absolutely tons you can look through and as I said at the start of the blog.
There is a growing amount of interactive videos compatible with your toys.
Where To Sign-Up To SexLikeReal
If you would like to sign up to SexLikeReal you can do so Here
Where To Buy A Lovense Toy
So make sure to sign up there is a link at the top of the description below is an affiliate link. It doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of their profits if you choose to sign up. If you want to get a Lovense Toys to connect to the platform then there is a link for that in the description below.

It is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of Lovenses profits if you choose to buy something. Remember next week I will be showing you how to connect your Lovense toy to the platform.
That’s it for this Blog. If you have got any questions come and hit me up in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media. All those links are listed in the description below.
Until next time guys
Peace out

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As you may know, I have a YouTube channel and web page with accompanying videos to all topics listed. I have also recently added a Podcast Page with all the audio from my videos. Listen to the Podcast episode Here.