How To Use The DG Lab Coyote 3 App

DG Lab Coyote 3 App for your E-Stim Unit
Hi guys and welcome back to another episode in today’s blog I’m going to be showing you how to connect the Coyote 3 to the DG Lab app. I’m also going to be showing you how to use your Coyote 3 for solo play so enough off in from me let’s get into the blog.
Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always and as I said at the start of the blog I will be showing you how to connect to your Coyote 3 to the app and I’ll also be showing you how to use it for solo play now there is absolutely loads to cover in this blog so I’m going to shut up and let’s get into the blog.

How To Download The Coyote 3 App?
Okay to get things started remember to turn on your Bluetooth and turn on your Coyote 3. Inside your Coyote 3 Box there are two instruction manuals on the back of those instruction manuals is a QR code and that’s what we’re going to scan today with our mobile phone. As you can see I’ve already got my camera open and I’m going to scan the QR code click on the banner and you’ll be taken to the Coyote 3 App landing page.
How To Download The Coyote 3 App
If we scroll down slightly you’ll be given options on which app to download the one we’re going to be downloading is the Android 3.2.1 version I’m guessing iOS users will have to download the version 3.1.6 once the app has finished downloading click on the open button and click on the install button in the bottom right hand side of the screen.
This may take a minute or two to install on your phone you also may see a Google warning message it will say something along the lines of this app may be harmful to your device click on the more details text and and click on install anyway you can either now click on the done or the open Button whichever you choose there will now be a widget added to your homepage of your mobile device.
Click on it and it will open the app Remember at this point you will need to make sure your DG Lab Coyote 3 is switched on you’ll then see the message for the safety protocols please do read this I’m going to skip through this but it does tell you who should and shouldn’t be using the device.
How To Verify Coyote 3 Account
Once you have finished reading click on the I have read an understood button you’ll then be given two options one to use the app as a guest or you can use your email to log in which is what we’re going to do in this part of the blog so I’m going to click on the email login button and I’m going to be asked for my email address once your email address has been entered click on the get code button
You’ll then need to log into your email account and look for the email from DG Lab in that email you’ll find your six-digit code copy or type this code in in the space that’s next to the get code button.

Once you’ve done that click on login you’ll then be taken to the DG Lab app dashboard the first place I’m going to show you is the top right hand side of the screen we’re going to click on the gear icon in here we can send feedback check our permissions and set where we want to have a floating icon on our screen
There are other settings like changing your language but this is only limited to two at the moment if you are having any issues check in here first we’re now going to go back to our main dashboard at the moment we haven’t connected our Coyote 3 to the app so that’s what we’re going to do next somewhere on your phone there’ll be an icon to turn on your Bluetooth once clicked to your mobile device will start searching for the Coyote 3.
We’re looking for the device 471210 this is your Coyote 3 device you need to click on it and pair it once paired we’re going to click on solo play and this is what’s going to be the main topic of today’s blog and the reason for that is if I show you all the features it will make this blog far too long.
So if you want to see how to use the remote feature or the socket control hit the Subscribe button or check my playlist when using the Coyote 3 for the first time you may receive a message asking for background permissions to be switched on it may also ask for battery permissions click allow and you’ll be taken to the Coyote 3 controller the app will do a quick search for the Coyote 3 toy and it will connect to it.
How Do You Your Coyote 3 Is Connected To App
You’ll know that your Coyote 3 is connected properly as the lights will go from yellow to White back to the controller on our app any attachment that we want to use must be plugged in before we push the play button this stops any risk of our Coyote 3 from shorting out it’s only when you’ve plugged in your attachment you want to push the play button in the top left hand side of the screen.

How To Use The Coyote 3 For Solo Play
If you have plugged your e-stim attachment into the B Port then you need to click on the play button in the right hand side for safety reasons you can only start your Coyote 3 from zero I’ve clicked on the play button and I can now start increasing in our stimulation to do that as you can see all I’m doing is clicking on the plus button underneath the numbers.
How To Use The Coyote 3 App Fire Trigger
Once you’ve settled on a number that you want to stick to you can tap and hold on the numbers this will bring up a quick fire wheel and as you can see our current intensity level is set at 10 when we bring up the wheel we can give our Channel a second intensity level to increase the number all we need to do is move our finger around the wheel.

Now if we click on the 13 it will instantly add 13 more to the intensity level and it will do this every time the button pushed back to the main control panel and this time we’re going to click on the microphone on the left hand side you’ll be then given three options one of which is the one we’re on and that’s to add an audio file yes that’s right you can use sound to control your Coyote 3 and that’s what we’re going to do.
Coyote 3 Audio Player
Now the other two options are to record something yourself or to use your microphone what I’m going to be using today in this blog is music that I’ve got saved on my mobile phone to do that all I need to do is click on the folder in the middle of the screen you will have to navigate to the folder where your music is saved and all you need to do is select the track the song will then be analysed and you’ll be able to push the play button which will control the toy.

Coyote 3 TouchPad
Remember the intensity level does start at zero and you’ll have to adjust that by pushing the plus and minus button at the top of the page if we scroll up slightly we can also adjust the high-end and low-end range of our Coyote 3 we’re now going to click on the fingerprint button in the the top middle of our page this brings up a touchpad that we can use to control our Coyote 3.

Coyote 3 Waveforms
Back to the control panel and this time we’re going to use one of the classic waveforms to use one all you need to do is Select it so it’s highlighted push the play button and it will start the waveform and all you need to do is push the plus button to increase the intensity to see which previous waveforms you’ve used all you need to do is click in the bottom left hand side of the screen.
This will bring up all the previous waveforms that you’ve used you can remove these individually or you can clear all of them by clicking on the clear playlist button the next button in the bottom second from Left of our screen is our Shuffle button this will randomly select waveforms from our playlist
The next button we’re going to select is the create a waveform button which is located in the bottom middle of our screen as you can see at the bottom of the screen is our wave elements each one can be adjusted by sliding it up and down and if we scroll down the page slightly we can see we can add different sections we can also increase the length of the section and at the very bottom of the screen we can adjust how long of a break there is in between each section.
If you want to add more elements to the pulse all you need to do is click on the plus or minus button you can really get creative here and you can create your own unique waveform once you finished creating your waveform scroll up slightly and you can click on the save button and save it to your device you’ll be asked to name your waveform and once you have it’ll be displayed on your control panel.

Coyote 3 App Timers
The button second from the right on the bottom of the page is a timed pause button this can be adjusted by tapping on the button and the final button in the bottom right is like an alarm clock now it’s like an alarm clock but not an alarm clock you can set how many minutes you want it to start from you can choose how long it’s played for and you can choose how much of a pause time there is in between sessions.
Once you’re ready to start it all you need to do is click back into the main control panel where you’ll then see in the top left hand side is the countdown clock and the clock click on the play button and it will start the device once it reaches zero it will pause for however long you told it to wait for it will then start the process all over again.
Other Coyote 3 App Features
We’re now going to click on the four squares in the top right hand side of our screen some of these we won’t be covering in this blog as they’re quite self-explanatory and also a couple of them will need their own videos the first one we’re going to look at is AI strength now this isn’t technically AI what the feature does is disables Port B and pairs it with port a so what you’re essentially left with is both ports work together whatever happens on one is repeated on channel B.

Back to the main menu and we’re going to skip remote control because we’re going to do that in another video pulse synchronization is similar to the AI strength we’ve already covered the waveform graph earlier in the blog and we’ve also covered the fire trigger this is where you go to adjust the overall strength of each waveform we’ve already spoken about the time or output should you want to download any of the waveforms you can do that by clicking on pulse download Once downloaded you can send it to others.
Frequency balance is fairly self-explanatory accessory and accessory gameplay configuration is something we’re going to cover in another blog and finally pulse sharing is how you send your waveforms to other people. A QR code will be generated with all the information needed and it can be sent to someone else who can scan that QR code once scanned all the information is automatically displayed on the screen
I will make a follow-up blog on how to do this in more detail as I think this is a really good feature that a lot of toy companies don’t seem to do remember to hit that subscribe button and notification Bell for the upcoming blogs if you have been inspired to buy yourself a Coyote 3 there is a link in the description below.
So there you have it that’s how easy is to connect your Coyote 3 to the app and to use it for solo play now there is absolutely loads of features on this app so what I’m going to do is break it up into smaller bite-sized blogs so you can watch them easier so you really do want to be hitting that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for when they’re released and you can check out the playlist at the end of the blog to see what’s already been released.
Where To Buy Coyote 3
If you have been inspired you to buy a DG Lab Coyote 3 there is a link in the description below it is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of their profit should you buy something if you have got any questions feel free to drop them in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are also listed in the description below
That’s it for this blog guys thanks for watching.
Until next time
Peace out

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