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DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode Podcast
Coyote 3
DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode

DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode

DG-Lab Dungeon Lab
Get Your Coyote 3 DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode Here
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  • DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode – Coyote 3 E-Stim

    Hi guys and welcome back to another DG-Lab Coyote 3 blog in today’s episode I’m going to be telling you all about BiPloar electrode I’m sure I’m pronouncing it wrong but that’s what it is anyway and enough waffling from me hit that like And subscribe button and let’s get into the blog

    Hi guys I’m UKDAZZZ as always and as I said at the start of the blog I will be telling you about the BiPloar electrode from DG-Lab and yes I’m 99% certain I am pronouncing it wrong so make sure to put it in the comments box on how to correctly say it.

    What’s In Todays Coyote 3 Blog

    So what’s coming up in today’s blog well I’m going to give you an unboxing and show you what you get when you buy the toy I’m also going to show you how to connect it to your Coyote 3 and I’m going to give you a little bit of a review at the end of the blog.

    Now if you’ve seen this electrode on their website you’ll know it’s a butt plug and because it’s e-stim it’s completely silent it doesn’t look much but trust me it packs a punch so enough waffling from let’s get into the unboxing portion of the blog.

    Opening The DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode

    Okay so as you will see our butt plug comes in a smart little box and inside this little box is a case all DG-Lab products come in these leather cases excluding the loops and the pads.

    DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode
    Get Your DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode Here

    If we open the leather case up you’ll see inside is our plug as you can see once we open it it is covered this is just to prevent it from getting scratched or damaged in transport the connecting cable is permanently fixed to the plug and the cable itself was wrapped up in in the top half of the leather case.

    There is no other attachments or fittings inside either the box or the lever case you’ll also notice there is no instruction manual and the reason for that is because there’s no need all you need to do is insert the toy and read the blog in the bottom left hand side of this article which shows you how to use the Coyote 3 .

    How To Connect The DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode.

    As you can see the plug is polished stainless steel and in the middle is a non-conductive plastic divide on the other end of the connecting cable is a 2.5 mm Phono Jack all you need to do is plug this even into Port A or B on your Coyote 3.

    There isn’t really much else to tell you in this short unboxing blog if you have found this video useful so far please do hit that like And subscribe button the notification Bell for future blogs and if you have been inspired to buy this or any other DG-Lab product there is a link in the top of the description below.

    so there you have it guys that’s what you get when you buy the BiPloar electrode from DG-Lab I think that’s the most amount of takes I’ve ever had to do on a name of a toy from that one I’m just going to call it the plug.

    About The DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode

    So to tell you a little bit about it it measures 3 in tall and from the end to end on the arms it also measures 3 in the diameter of the tip of the plug is 1 and 1/4 in and I would normally give you the weight but unfortunately I couldn’t find it so if someone does know hit me up in the comments and let everyone else know

    DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode Review

    I actually was extremely excited to actually try this one out I read online that so many people have been saying it’s extremely strong on the lowest settings and if you’ve also read those reviews those people were correct.

    DG-LAB Metal BiPolar Electrode
    Get Your BiPloar Electrode Here

    Now when I used the loops and the pads it went up to about level 20 before I could really start feeling the effects of the E-Stim them this little plug feels like level 20 on level one and I could only managed to turn it up to level five before I tapped out and level five is such a low level seeing as there’s a hundred of them now obviously this little plug is Not Just For Men it’s for women as well and due to the t- bar base you’ve got that safety of it not accidentally going in.

    DG-Lab Rating

    If I had to give this a stimulating rating between 1 and 10 I would give it a 12.

    What Does E-Stim Feel Like?

    Now for anyone who hasn’t used a plug like this before and wondering what the sensation feels like and I’m only speaking for the guides here when you ejaculate you can feel your muscles pulsing and when you’re using this that’s that sensation you’ve got so it’s like your muscles are doing a workout and you’re not actually ejaculating.

    With a good bit of Angling can make this stimulate your prostate and you’ll be leaking like a trooper and ladies I’m sure you’ll be flooding the place out too and like I said earlier on because it’s E-Stim in it is completely silent when you’re using it but that’s not to say you will be as well.

    Coyote 3 Reddit Groups

    Now if you want to speak to other Coyote 3 users I do have some Reddit groups listed in the description below one is for General chit-chat the other is for swapping waveform patterns and the final one is to control each other’s Coyote 3 toys so make sure to check them out again their link is in the description below.

    How To Buy A DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode

    Now if you want to get your hands on a BiPloar Electro there is a link in the description below it is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of the DG-Labs profits if you choose to buy something.

    If you have got any questions feel free to come and drop them in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are also listed in the description below that’s it for this blog guys if you haven’t already please do hit that like And subscribe button and notification Bell for future bogs.

    until next time

    peace out

    DG-Lab Dungeon Lab
    Get Your Coyote 3 DG-Lab BiPloar Electrode Here

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