Install Breeders Of The Nephelym And Connect Lovense
Install Breeders Of The Nephelym And Connect Lovense Toy
Hi guys and welcome back to another Lovense episode. In today’s blog, I will show you the new game that Lovense has teamed up with Breeders Of The Nephelym. I’m also going to show you how to connect your Lovense toy to the game via your mobile phone and your PC and at the end, I’m going to give you a little review on what I thought of the game don’t forget to like and subscribe and let’s get into the blog.
What Is Breeders Of The Nephelym
Hi guys, I’m UKDAZZZ as always. So if you haven’t seen the game Breeders Of The Nephelym this is kind of a bit like Lara Croft’s Tomb Raider but a whole lot sexier. You build and design your own character which you control throughout the game you meet and interact with other characters that you can mate with. The game is available for free at the moment and it’s in alpha development. This means that when the game is actually finished they probably will charge for it.

But when that will be I have no idea, but in the meantime, as I say the game is for free you will need a steam account and install steam onto your pc and I’m going to tell you how to do that now.
How To Download Breeders Of The Nephelym
So once you’re on the Lovense website scroll down until you find the button that says play for free. Give that button a click and you’ll be taken to steam. Now you want to click on the login button at the top right and click join steam to create your account.
You need to fill in your email address and read the terms and conditions. Once all that’s done you will receive an email asking you to verify your account. Look for the email from steam and click on the button that says verify the email address.
Go back to the steam window and now fill in your password and username. Now that your steam account has been opened and verified you can now go on to download the game. Enter your date of birth into steam and click on view page. Once you’re on the games download page look for the green button that says play game.
If you haven’t already got steam downloaded onto your computer and installed you will need to do that before you can play the game. So in the pop-up window click on no I need steam. If you have already got steam installed click on yes now click on install steam and follow the installation process.
Once everything’s been installed log into your steam account once you’ve logged into your steam account, go back to the Lovense website, and click on the play for free again click on the green play game button.
This time select yes you have steam installed. Now all that’s left to do is download and install the game onto your PC. Once the game has finished downloading and installing onto your PC you can launch it and start playing.
So as you can see it’s a fairly easy process to set up steam onto your PC
How To Connect Your Lovense Toy To Breeders Of The Nephelym Using USB Dongle
I’m now going to show you how to connect your Lovense toy to your pc. If you are looking to play this game and you haven’t got a Lovense toy then please do use the link at the top of the description.
From the home page the first thing you need to click on is settings. In here you can change graphics gameplay sound and control settings. The one we need to click on Lovense in the top row. Next we need to open the Lovense remote app. If your toy isn’t already connected click on the link icon which will bring up a list of your previously connected toys. If your toy isn’t shown on this list click on the pink plus key in the top left hand side.
Run a quick search for your toy and once it’s been found and added to the list click on the toggle on the right hand side you’ll see that your toy has been highlighted and the toggle button has turned to pink. Once that’s done click on the done button on the top right. Now that your toy is connected you’re going to have to connect the app to your game to do this click on the external control button on the left hand side.
This will bring up a small pop-up window that will ask you to allow control of your toy to a third-party app click on the grey toggle the toggle will turn pink and you can now minimize your Lovense remote app. You will need to keep it open whilst you’re playing the game so it’s important not to close it if you do you will have to start again and reconnect it now back on the Lovense settings page in-game.
You’re going to have to click on the drop down menu on the right-hand side. Make sure to select PC remote and once you have click on scan for toys it should now say your Lovense toys were detected. All you need to do now is click on the cross in the top right hand corner all that’s left to do is click on new game or load a previous one you’ve been playing.
How To Connect Lovense Toy Mid Game In Breeders Of The Nephelym
So what happens if you want to connect your Lovense instead whilst you’re mid-game that’s really easy all you need to do is push the escape button on your keyboard click on settings and this will bring up the same settings page as before clicking on Lovense on the top row and follow the same connection process as before.
So as you can see it really is easy to connect your Lovense toy via the USB dongle
How To Connect Breeders Of The Nephelym Via Lovense Remote App
I’m now going to show you how to connect your toy via the remote app on your mobile phone remember to make sure your Lovense toy is switched on your Bluetooth switched on and you’re connected to your toy.
If you are looking to play this game and you haven’t got a Lovense toy then please do use the link here.
From the homepage the first thing you need to click on is settings. In here you can change graphics gameplay sound and control settings the one we need to click on is Lovense on the top row.
Now you’re going to have to open the Lovense remote app on your mobile phone if your Lovense toy isn’t already connected click on the link icon in the top right-hand corner.
Next, click on add toy and run a quick search for your Lovense toy as you can see my Lovense gush is connected. If I want to change my toy all I need to do is click on the grey toggles now back on the Lovense remote app home page. Click on me in the bottom right-hand corner.
Now on your me page click on settings and at the bottom of the settings list. Click on the game mode gray toggle. Whilst you’re playing the game you will need to keep your Lovense remote app open. Now back in the Lovense settings page in the game click on the drop-down window on the right-hand side.
Here you have two options to connect to the mobile remote app. Depending on whether your phone is connected to the same internet connection as your pc determines which one you choose. So if your phone and your pc are sharing the same connection click on automatic.
If your phone is connected to mobile data and your pc is using a landline connection click on override. If you’ve selected automatic then click on scan for toys wait for your toy to be found and click on the cross in the top right-hand corner.
If you’ve selected override then you need to type in your local IP address and your SSL port whichever you choose. Now all you need to do is scan for toys and close the window on the top right-hand side and start playing your game. As you will see it really is easy to connect your phone to your toy and the game.
Reviewing Breeders Of The Nephelym
So I’ve been playing the game on and off for the last two-three days. I’ve had to keep my gameplay at a minimum because I am recording another video that is going to be released in two weeks’ time and it’ll explain why I’ve been keeping my gameplay to a minimum. But I have absolutely enjoyed the game so far and I will be playing it a lot more once that video is released.
Now I did have a lot of in-game footage that I was going to show you whilst I was playing it and I had it all recorded and when I checked my recordings it didn’t record properly. So for some reason, my graphics card and my motherboard didn’t want to record and play the game at the same time. So I have had to take a little bit of game footage from the website and I think I’m going to be playing this game quite a bit.
It’s an easy game to play and there are not too many buttons and it’s not over complicated I think I’m definitely going to be buying this game once it’s released. If you haven’t got a Lovense toy then please do use the link Here.
Where To Buy A Lovense Toy
It is an affiliate link it doesn’t cost you any more to use but it does give me a very small percentage of Lovenses profits if you choose to buy something.
That’s it for this blog I really do hope you found it useful as always like follow share subscribe and hit that notifications icon for future blogs. If you have got any questions come and hit me up in the comments box below on my blog or come and find me on social media all those links are listed in the description below
Until next time guys
Peace out
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